Kaka he was playing great at ac milain , but he hasn't hit it of at madrid at all, poor chap, as he is a bloody good player just not gelling at madrid.
I think some great footballers like Kaka is supposed to be don´t realize the kind of pressure Real Madrid has on they… Maybe that´s the reason why they aren´t capable of a percentage of their best. Journalists everywhere, people around them as never before, radio programs talking about their life… Being a star in Madrid is not easy. Nothing to do with being a star in Milan. I hope Kaka gets on in playing like we all know he is capable of, but he´s been living in Madrid for almost 3 years and we always say the same everyday we see him. His first very game as a Real Madrid player was impressive. But then came the neverending pressure...
Thats hope this is the season for him to play amazing again. By the way you haven't got any cook e cranks for sale have you??
No, I´m afraid not. I was given away cranks some weeks ago to restore my old Mentor bike to life and haven´t got any at the moment. Is your Kona in need of them? What kind of cranks are you thinking of?
Today I rode to the top of La Morcuera with Brian, then back home through Guadalix. After that I got some bad news, found out that Juan Carlos had an accident on his mountain bike in the Casa de Campo and broke his hip and elbow, so he'll be out of commission for quite a while. Really really a bummer
Hi everybody! My english is very bad, so i'm going to practice this language here. I hope you accept it Best regards. I hope he get better as soon as possible... that's a bummer, indeed.
Nice to hear from you elbowz, and welcome to this thread. I visited Juan Carlos in the hospital and he's in good spirits considering everything. BTW, I see you're from Galicia. I'm going there on vacation next weekend to the Ferrol area (Ares to be exact). You wouldn't by chance be from that area, would you? Cheers!
Oh, so sorry to hear that bad news from Juan Carlos. Tell him we all are with him. He´s an excellent guy as well as he is a great rider. He told me about going efficiently when on the road. I hope he can recover soon but I’m afraid this season is over for him. La Casa de Campo seems like an easy off road ride terrain, but I presume Juan Carlos was seeking for his limits or something happened when he crashed. We can´t forget how dangerous bikes can be. The good news is that La Casa de Campo is the basecamp for several medical assistance units such as SAMUR, Protección Civil or CRUZ ROJA, so if you have an accident over there you will probably be in good hands in a split second. (At least if they are called to help you). If you have the opportunity to tell him, I want him to know that I heard about his accident and hope he recovers as soon as possible, though summer is the worse time for a biker to be off the scene… I hope it´s not for too long, but it isn´t sound really good. Please, Keep us to date. I just only met Juan Carlos once, but he is that kind of person who is charismatic enough not to be forgotten. Cheer up Juan Carlos!. We all wanna see you on the road again. You can count on us whatever you need. Hi Elbowz. Same question! Where exactly in Galicia you live in?. I know some people from Santiago, Lugo and Coruña... Nice cities to live and to ride!!! BTW David, will your laptop have access to internet while you´re on vacation?
Thanks, next time I talk to him I'll send him your words of encouragement. Actually I don't have a laptop but both of my children do, tho we don't have an internet connection where we stay, but maybe they have a satellite connection or something. Can't ask them right now because both of them are traveling around Japan at the moment and will be joining us in Ares next week. In any case, when I do get online I'll be checking the forum to see what's going on and to tell you about my mountain bike adventures there. Yeah, I'm taking my mountain bike and leaving the others. By the way, I used the syringe you gave me to oil the derailers today. It's really nice because you can get the oil exactly where you want it. Cheers!
Thank you for the welcome I hope you have a good time in Ares (it's a beautiful place). By the way I am from a village far away from there. Cheers.
Yeap! If I had to choose one of your bikes to be taken away It would definitely be that one!. You will take your bike to a real paradise A MTB is perfect to take advantage of the thrilling rides Galician landscapes can offer you. What an extraordinary bike-summer you have in front of you!. In the meantime I hope Juan Carlos recovers soon. We´ll keep in contact when possible. I will also be on vacation on august having some fun, half the time doing some sports (including cycling of course I will manage to get a bicycle wherever I go, I promise!), half the time visiting some new places and doing new things My destination is not yet fully clear. I´ll go to Alicante, then to Andorra, then to a foreign city if I have time to The rest is unknown even for me!. Summer time is this unpredictable to me! Well, for David and all of you in the verge of your summer holidays Have a nice summer, ride your bicycle whenever you can, recharge your batteries and be happy!. On September Madrid will be waiting for us See U!!!
I'm looking forward to going to Galicia. I've gotten in contact with other mountain bikers there via a bike forum, so maybe I'll get to know some new trails. I already know one nice route near Ares. Sounds like you're doing a bit of an adventure holiday, visiting new places and doing new things. I'm going to the same place as always, tho it's very nice, but like I said, maybe I'll experience new trails. I gave Juan Carlos a ring today and he seems all right. He was released from the hospital today and is now at home with his parents. He's getting mentalised to all the rehabilitation he's going to be doing. Well, I'll be in touch and will be back in Madrid in September. Have a good holiday!
Hi kona nut and everyone. I'm in Ares (near Ferrol) and have met some of the local mountain bikers. Have gone for a ride with them and they really opened my eyes to the vast number of trails there are around here. Seems some time ago everyone pretty muched walked everywhere so there are loads of trails around that are now mainly used by hikers and bike riders. You can ride to all sorts of places. I'd been pretty much doing the same route every time, which is a good one but still doing the same things starts getting old. In any case, have been riding or running pretty much every day, which isn't bad considering that the weather hasn't really been cooperating: we've definitely had some rain and it's been a bit coolish. So what have you been up to? Cheers!
Hi Treky! A new voice around here. Good to hear from you. The riding here in Galicia just seems to get better and better. There's so much you can do and so many places you can go... when it isn't raining, and the forecast for today is for more wet stuff. I'm thinking of going for a quick run now because it's supposed to be wet this afternoon and evening. Although I think some of the locals want to risk it and go for a ride this evening in spite of the weather forecast. Hey, keep it touch!
Hi everybody i want to pratice my low language level with you I hope you were so kind with telling to me what was wrong in my future posts. That's a really good idea. Congratulations for you Mi vespa no corre; Llega.
Hi thesxer, welcome to this thread. I can "correct" you by responding to what you've written and you can see how to say it correctly, but if you have a specific question feel free to ask. On another note, here's a picture of me riding along a "corredoira", which is a trail with vegetation on both sides and often covered over by trees, and often in a sort of ditch. Some years ago everybody used to walk everywhere using these trails, but now they're mainly used by bikers and hikers. Uploaded with ImageShack.us