Let's talk about biking in English

Tema en 'Foreign Bikers' iniciado por chainring, 7 Ene 2011.

  1. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
    Armentano, likewise if you're ever in this neck of the woods I'll be happy to show you around.

    Interaptor, that's a classy mountain bike, but without any shock absorbers at all, I really wouldn't want to take it out into the rough stuff. But like Amentano says, it's great for commuting. In any case, some years ago people did in fact use that sort of bike for serious mountain biking: just check out this surprising documentary, Al Filo de lo Imposible: Rodando por ti. Those guys are riding bikes with no suspension whatsoever and with V brakes!

    Última edición: 26 Oct 2011
  2. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Awsome video!. I saw it some months ago but this is always a must-see when someone asks for what an old-school bike is capable of. This could well be the mid-lates 80´. It´s easy to figure out by the model of the cars there... We can see how the traffic in Madrid was back then!. BTW, one of the cyclist (I guess that´s the common word used at that time) is now the owner of a very posh -in the words of those who are their clients- Bike store called BICIMANIA,(http://www.bicimania.com/) located in Madrid.
    Back in that days he and his collegue were epic top riders on a MTB. They dindn´t have any assistance to do the trick, but their technic was enough to make it up.
    The video was filmed in Madrid proper and the off-road side in La Sierra de Madrid. This place rings a bell to Chainring!. Now he is following their steps same way but diferent -fortunately- bike... Nevertheless this video will remain as a recorded proof of what an old school MTB is capable of when in expert hands...

    Tonight - as every last Thursday of the month at 20h in Cibeles- will take place another Bicicritica session. 2 or 3 thousand bikers gathering togheter to let the people in Madrid know that bicycles are traffic. http://bicicritica.ourproject.org/

    Última edición: 27 Oct 2011
  3. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
    Yep, it's an amazing video, and not only do the riders have good technique, but they also have strong joints. The only shock absorbers are your ankles, legs and elbows, so it's very hard on them, to say nothing of your back. Sometimes my back hurts when I'm riding in the mountains, another reason to get a bike with good suspension.

    By the way, I've been in Bicimanía in Moncloa, but why is it "posh"?

    The bicicritica sounds good. So are you going? Unfortunately I have to work, but if you're going you should be prepared to ride at night, and maybe even for some rain.

  4. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
    Yep, it's an amazing video, and not only do the riders have good technique, but they also have strong joints. The only shock absorbers are your ankles, legs and elbows, so it's very hard on them, to say nothing of your back. Sometimes my back hurts when I'm riding in the mountains, another reason to get a bike with good suspension.

    By the way, I've been in Bicimanía in Moncloa, but why is it "posh"?

    The bicicritica sounds good. So are you going? Unfortunately I have to work, but if you're going you should be prepared to ride at night, and maybe even for some rain.

  5. Armentano

    Armentano Miembro Reconocido

    13 Feb 2008
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    I remember very well this video! In this years I had my Dakota without shock absorber, and I hadn´t any problem riding with her, ít´s posible I´m too old now, every day I have a new pain. But seeing this video it seems incredible all it´s was posible make with one like this.Last year I had a SUNN ,17 yeas old, in my garage and finally one day a very good friend told me if I could sell it and I make a gift for him and now he is using the bike every friday ( I think at the end of every month) in Alicante to ride in the Masacritica. Here there are a lot of riders but when I see the number of participants it´s too sad. It´s posible because the most important number of riders only use the bycicle on weekends don´t like a transport.

  6. Armentano

    Armentano Miembro Reconocido

    13 Feb 2008
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    I remember very well this video! In this years I had my Dakota without shock absorber, and I hadn´t any problem riding with her, ít´s posible I´m too old now, every day I have a new pain. But seeing this video it seems incredible all it´s was posible make with one like this.Last year I had a SUNN ,17 yeas old, in my garage and finally one day a very good friend told me if I could sell it and I make a gift for him and now he is using the bike every friday ( I think at the end of every month) in Alicante to ride in the Masacritica. Here there are a lot of riders but when I see the number of participants it´s too sad. It´s posible because the most important number of riders only use the bycicle on weekends don´t like a transport.

  7. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Yes, Masacrítica and Bicicrítica are the same side of what once was a new kind of biking demonstration in Seattle or Chicago in the USA (can´t remember what city was first)... I´ve been in the Madrid demonstration twice up to now. It´s impressive how the number of demonstrators grows. Something is slightly changing corcerning the respect and the rights of cyclists...
    I´d like to go this afternoon - Actually I had my lights and rain-coat ready to spend a good night time biking over there- but half an hour ago I received a phone call that completely cahnged my plans for this afternoon... So it´s impossible for me to be there this time. But in the future I will go whenever I can.

    Yeah, posh is the astonish spanish translation word -pijo- that a lot of bikers use to describe how it is like to buy at Bicimania. I´ve heard a pretty big consensus -kindda topic- in the threads about the shop. I really think it´s unfair to have such a burden on you when you are selling something, but I guess it´s due to the elite bikes they have, the high price you have to pay to have one of them or the way in which they help you to identify your needs... Anyway, thats the word i´ve heard and don´t like it at all... I just bought a Bontrager LT3 ECO tire there for my oldie -not in MOncloa but in the Estrecho shop- and it´s true it´s a little more expensive than other shops but can´t complain at all. I was treated well and was given good tips on the tires I needed...

    Última edición: 27 Oct 2011
  8. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    You Know how widespread unfair rumors can be...
    Aurora, 2yo, wouldn´t buy her bike at Wal Mart:


    I´m curious about it. Chainring. Is it true that Wal Mart is like ours Continente, Carrefour, Pryca, Alcampo, Eroski, etc, etc??? What´s the opinion of an average american fellow of Buying a bicycle in a not-specialized shop, in particular Wal Mart???. I have heard tons of prank jokes about it. Is californian REI simmilar to Wal Mart in the States?.
  9. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
    It sounds like all of us have experience with older bikes. That's funny Armentano: you sold your friend your 17 year old bike. I guess it makes sense if you're not using it. I have a hybrid bike that's 20 years old, but I still use it for short trips around the neighborhood. Actually I mainly use it to go up and down hills on wet days when I don't want to go out on my road bike or my mountain bike.

    Interaptor, actually I don't think I've ever set foot in a Wal Mart. You know, I have been living in Spain for a long time now and I don't think there were many around when I left California. In any case, it's got bad publicity for poor treatment of its employees and for the use of sweat shops.

    Actually there's a documentary called The Corporation, I'd recommend watching the whole thing, but here's "chapter 22" in which Wal Mart is (unfavorably) mentioned. In any case, would I buy a bike there? I'm not sure. I mean if they had good bikes, like Bergs or KTMs, I have to admit I'd be tempted. But it also bothers me that the employees make such low wages, women are discriminated against (I don't know if they've improved at all since I was hearing about this), and they apparently use sweat shops to keep prices down.

  10. Armentano

    Armentano Miembro Reconocido

    13 Feb 2008
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    I think if you have some idea to buy a cheap bicycle in my opinion it´s more interesting see the option of a second hand bike by internet. In the same foromtb I have bought differents things, last time I bought a pair of road wheels with 600 kilometers for 240 euros when normaly it costs 450 euros in a bike shop.
    Only you need some time to look for without hurry. I have some friends who bought summer bikes in Carrefour and finally they change the bikes too soon, the reason it´s because some times are too complicates to repair. I can show the brakes of one like this with three months and no more than 250 km and it´s crazy without pieces to repair.
    I recommend a second hand bike than one like this. In my case I always knows someone who have one without any use.
  11. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
    I haven't given much thought to getting a used bikes. In any case, I'd like to get a good full-suspension mountain bike such as a Specialized Stumpjumper FSR or a Trek Fuel EX; when I have the money that is. But I'm sure there are some good deals out there in the used market, but you have to be careful too. My mountain bike is a year and a half old, and I tell you, it's seen a lot of use. In fact, the shocks now need rebuilding and the rear derailleur looks out of whack since I wiped out about a month ago.

    Actually I have a friend who has a Fuel Ex who's told me he may want to part with it. I have to admit that if I had the money I'd consider it. In any case, my current bike has Tora shocks, which I don't like that much. I'm thinking of getting new ones instead of repairing the old ones. Would you recommend getting used front forks?
  12. Armentano

    Armentano Miembro Reconocido

    13 Feb 2008
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Hi Chainring!

    About the idea to buy a second hand bike, you can make if you know his owner (like your friend) or sometimes here at the foro appears some people how boughts good bicycles and now they don´t use and with the crisis you can see good offers. Last year my brother sold a 2400 euros bicycle with 600 kilometres in 1100 euros the reason it was only because he has a back pain and for the moment he can´t ride.
    There are a lot of opportunities here in the foro, and sometimes you can buy last year models. I bought a KTM STRADA which his price it was 1899 euros in 1350 euros(with pedals included) and it was new. The reason only it was because they were receiving 2012models.
    About the idea to repair your bike, it´s something you need to value quite well, I´m telling this because sometimes there are people who spend a lot of money in his bike and in a short time they change, it´s stupid I think. For other part if you are happy with your bike and you are thinking with a new fork and a new derailleur your bike it´s perfect and you don´t need nothing more it´s a good solution.In this case if you are unhappy with your Tora, here at the foro there are a lot of people who speaks very well about the Suntour Epicon,it´s in price near 180 euros, works very well and had a very good weight, there is a post quite large speaking about this fork and owners are really happy.
    My recomendation is this, value first your situacion with your bike and then decided if it´s better repair or wait to change in the future. I had forgoten! About the option to buy a second hand fork it´s not a very good idea. I prefer something new in this case.

    Última edición: 29 Oct 2011
  13. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
    I've heard good things about the Epicon as well. I might end up getting (a new) one for my bike. By the way, my bike is a Conor Tora and it's all right, but it's a cross country bike and I've been doing more all mountain or even enduro riding, so it's not really right for my needs. But sooner or later I'll fix it up. Me and my bike have been through a lot together, sounds like we're married, doesn't it? :corazon

    When I have the money I'll probably go for a new bike, but I'll undoubtely have a look at some used bike too. I'll let everyone know when that happy moment arrrives :dance

    Interaptor, have you been out on your bike these days? We've been having some nice days with clean air after the rain.

    Hey everybody, don't forget to set your clocks back tonight!
  14. Mackem

    Mackem Miembro

    7 Ene 2006
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Leioa, Vizcaya
    Ooh, are we showing bikes ok, here's mine...
    2009 Orange P7


    1994 Orange P7


    Just bought this, need to build the bike ...
    Chumba HX1

  15. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Hi, Sorry guys for the delay...

    Wow, They are nice, reliable and exclusive bikes, Mackem!. I´m sure you´re getting the most of them riding through Berango. It seems the ideal terrain for you to have a blast every time you take them. That Chumba will complete a very well choosen collection. Congrats on having them all!

    I Completely agree with Armentano on a second hand bike tips. Mackem has two Orange P7. One of them is from 1994!. When the owner takes care of his bike, it doesn´t matter what year it was made. This is a good example of this. Lovely bikes.

    Yeah David, I´ve just arrived this very day in Madrid after one and a half days off... First thing in the morning: Took my bike and went around Madrid to see what was going on in the city that also never sleeps!!!... Well I saw a professional running race with +-4.000 athletes.The winners were Chema Martínez -male section- and Marta Dominguez -female section-. I enjoyed a lot because I was able to follow these top class athletes on my bike most of the time while they were running... They run really fast, I had the opportunity to ckeck it out first-hand.
    Then I headed to CDC via Madrid-Río´s bike lane. I came across a lot of horses. I didn´t ask what event they were there for, but It was a beautiful view, both the city from the Manzanares River and the horses... Without a doubt a horse is one of my favourites animals. It´s a pity that I can have one of those at home!.
    It was an astonishing clear, beautiful and delighful october day in Madrid. I enjoyed every single minute riding my old bike peacefully. A quite and relaxing experiendce to regenerate my entire soul and body for a while...
    Entering the CDC I couldn´t help taking some photos. I like the color of the fall. What a great thing a bicycle is to discover nice spots...

    65.jpg 69.jpg 71.jpg 72.jpg 73.jpg 77.jpg 78.jpg 79.jpg 80.jpg

    Pd.- Mackem, judging by your photos, you´re a fan of Oranges P7!. How different is it to ride a 1994 model over a 2009 one???



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    Última edición: 30 Oct 2011
  16. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Mackem, Are both of your Orange frames Reynolds 631 Double-Butted Cro Mo Steel handmade with pride in the UK?. I LOOOOOOOOOOOVEEEEEEEEEEEE IT!!!!
  17. Armentano

    Armentano Miembro Reconocido

    13 Feb 2008
    Me Gusta recibidos:

    Chainring I can see you love your Conor, in this case you can repair without problems, for other part if in the future you will buy an enduro bike you could use your old bike for other uses, like a urban bike or other uses where you don´t need the rear absorber with easily tracks. In my case sometimes I have used my bike riding until the beach and I was very worried with it, sometimes it´s better one old. And of course if you have enougt space in your house!
    Interaptor, I´m seeing your pictures and I would like ride just now, because this last weekend it was complicated for me, and for other part it was raining here. I thinking just now it´s posible at lunch time I will ride with the road bike. I need it!

  18. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
    Wow, some of are into classic bikes. They do have an undeniable charm. Lovely frame Mackem. I'll bet you'll have a ball fixing it up and then riding it.

    Yeah, Armentano, I'm planning of keeping my Conor for XC riding, and as soon as I can afford it, getting a good all mountain bike, like the Canyon AM 8.0 X. It even comes with what you folks in Spain call "una tija pija", that is, a telescopic seat post. Pretty cool :dance

  19. Armentano

    Armentano Miembro Reconocido

    13 Feb 2008
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    I can see you are enjoying with "the dark side". All of my friends have one like this, and now they are using more than in the past, where all of us only were riding with xc bikes I don´t know other parts of the country but here are increasing. It´s possible because now we prefer make less efforts and enjoy more.. jajaja.

    I can tell you the "tija pija" It´s perfect to enjoy more.
  20. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Armentano, haven´t you realize David is getting more and more sophisticated in searching his ideal bike? Let´s give her wife some arguments to save some money.

    A "tija pija"!. Sounds good. You Know, sometimes we have to decide what elements or devices in our bikes keep the essentials. I mean, a bicycle is suposed to be the simplest vehicle to run on two wheels. Some devices are far away from keepin´that original idea, such as an auxiliar motor, but a "tija pija" is something that can be definitely considered as an accepted option to go ride in the purest original way a bike was concibed. Telescopic seatpost do not violate the traditional idea of a simple bicycle. By using my swivel pneumatic chair I can imagine how useful a telescopic seatpost is for a versatile biking use when you take advantage of different seat highs or adjustable positions. Having pass this exam, there is a national issue for all American bikers. Armentano and I -spaniards in general- have a green light to buy whatever tech biking solution they can offer us to ride in confort & style, but what would the next guy in Texas think of a US citizen seeking for and dreaming of a confort ride into the wild when cowboys are suposed to be the toughest guys on the planet?. Armentano and I are from the Sunny Spain, nothing to do with the reputation you have to keep, Chain...

    I´m just giving Chainring´s wife arguments to balance the familiar budget. First the essentials of a bike. Secondly the national pride... :)

    Just kidding... Never used a telescopic seat.


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