Hey if you want to try any of my other sets sometime, let me know. Don't mind sending you them to try out Yes! Saint, by shimano, all round great parts. Really strong, light and work amazingly well.
Thanks for offering, that's really nice of you :chinchin But for the time being I'll just stick with what I have. This is the first I've heard of Saint. I thought for good mountain bikes they just made the Deore, SLX, XT, XTR.
Hi U all!. there is a very funny and witty guy over here that makes his own videos on what he calls "the adventures of Gualas the kid" , "Las aventuras del niño Gualas" in spanish. I want Chainring to watch this particular one. It´s the 5th part of a series in which Gualas the kid is dreaming of a full suspension bike... just like he did nearly 3 months ago...the coincidences don´t stop here... Gualas can´t think of other thing than getting such a bike and has to go to the doctor... Guess what bike Gualas the kid ended up with! Just take a look: http://www.foromtb.com/showthread.p...l-niño-Gualas-Sueña-con-una-doble-orbea-OCCAM Check the interactive chapter #4 out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VStBlEQN8E&feature=channel&list=UL U´ll also love this one! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=me6W0lE-pS8&feature=channel&list=UL Really funny guy. la2
The Shimano Saint derailleur seems to be better than the XT. Ver el archivo adjunto 2961546 It´s in fact in the price-range of the XTR! Why did you choose that uncommon -at least to us- derailleur?. It looks strong as hell, reliable stuff.
A few reasons. Firstly it is strong as hell. Secondly its the best one I've ever used and actually works under pressure, light click and bang the gear is selected every time, flawless. Secondly the design puts most of the deraileur under the hanger so nothing sticks out. Really great bit of kit...I paid 50 euro's for mine, (about same price as SLX from CRC or such) brand new from ebay - check out bikenosis on ebay.es as they sometimes list them and great service from those people. All the Saint stuff works really well, you actually get your money's worth which is really rare this day and age! lol
I see, great derailleur there mate, and a real bargain price you got for a brand new one on Ebay. It usually costs around 140€. Internet has become an ideal way to get small prices, hasn´t it? Do you have a photo of yourself riding that bike in the Orense´s dirt that you can post for us?. Just for the sake of seeing the Manzaneda bike park forest and your lovely bike in action again. Cheers!.
wow! somenone fitting a Saint on his bike! Isn't it only purchased as an After market piece?? i don't recall any "common" bike on it
Hilarious! Really original. I'll check out the other ones later (past my bedtime now). Hi jorgt! Don't know anything about the Saint, just saying hi. I've noticed you speak some languages. Besides Spanish and English, French!
You mean your next door english neighbour needed a helping hand with her bike? Or just our neighbour country, France?...
It sure has Interaptor! I brought the derailleur and 9v shifter for 90 Euro's. That is a good shop to buy things from, they sent my order arrived next day and a saving of over 100 Euro :shock: It is gravity specific equipment www.ridesaint.com - awesome stuff for your enduro, or DH bikes. No not yet friend, but soon! hopefully summer is coming? I hope to be up there a lot with the Cove and DH bike I'm building up. You know the park? the Gallego open DH championship is there on July 1'st. I'll go and watch and hope to do the avalanche race there later in the year, 15km downhill!!! looks such fun! http://www.manzanedabikepark.com and http://www.bigridechampionship.com Hello Jorgt! nice to meet you. I think it is after market pieces and don't know any bike that is off the shelf with Saint, there probably is one somewhere though.
I Don´t know the park, but have heard of it. You know, having been into this just for 14 months makes me a newbie yet, so I´m mostly into road, XC and “hybrid” -that also includes city- biking… But as I see from the pages you posted the Manzaneda bike park is a must for those keen on DH, located in a really beautiful place , plus affordable prices there, especially when you go “free-bike” and have to rent one!. I like it, no need to get your bikes into the car or even have one: no pain in the neck but gain. I know some parts of Galicia (Coruña, Santiago, Vigo and Lugo), I wish Manzaneda were among them. One day it will. Thanks for posting those links.
I've seen your thread, Las Mañanas Complutenses. You've obviously been around the block a few times and know these parts well. So do you have any favorite places to ride?
Getting up early in the morning, taking my road bike, meeting up with Chainring, going for a quick ride and back home while he carries on... It´s all part of a beautiful game!. Love it.I got home, took a shower and ready to get into the jungle... David, where did you end up on the roadie?.
In the end I got inspired, went to the Canencia mountain pass, then home via Guadalix de la Sierra and San Pedro Hill: 117 km, average speed 25.2. Now I'm REALLY tired :marcianos It's really nice once you get past Miraflores, the air is cooler and you're surrounded by forest and mountains. Love it!
Yes of course! Here in Alcala there are few nice spots where you can flow with your bike. Also, most of the climbs and singletracks have their own name so we have a kind of a mini village to ride. If you like breathtaking climbs and fast singletracks El PArque d eLos Ceros is a must. I'll be glad to see you riding round here, and me & my friends will show you why we love this so much. Just tell us when