Don´t rush recovery. We have plenty of days to go for any ride. More on "tomorrow´s ride" to be posted at our usual Thread!
I still haven't been on a bike since my little fall last Saturday. I still have aches and pains, especially on the right side of my chest and shoulder where I fell, but I may go for an easy ride tomorrow evening and see how things go. I'm thinking that maybe I should invest in body armor. I could at least be well protected in the winter: in the summer you'd probably sweat like a pig. I could get something like this, though I might look like Darth Vader and frighten small children :twisted: ha ha ha
So, in a nutshell, your fall didn´t make you think of a more relaxing, less dangerous and safer rides but of the need of more protective clothes or your lack of a trust-worthy armour!!!. :twisted:
Actually your first line of protection is probably using your brain, and common sense, and maybe being rested as well. This month I'm only sleeping five or six hours a night. I should probably just avoid the more dangerous rides when I'm unrested like this, that would probably be good common sense.
I like this post very much. A great discovery. I can practice my english language while i'm enjoying the forum. I'd like you tell me about my language mistakes. Chainrin, pigs don't sweat, so when the weather's hot they jump into the mud to get fresh.
Yeah, u´re right, pigs don´t sweat. “Like a sinner in Church” he meant to say. 2nd yeah: 1st. Line of protection, your brain. No sweat, no money spent on straterrestrial armours!. 3rd Yeah: Yeah, Chainring has a lot of common sense!. If he doesn´t sleep enough he will need that armour... Please, be always careful when on that tricky enduro paths!
Hi RoberMF, glad to have you participate. Actually I don't usually directly correct people here, tho it could be indirect, for example I could say that I'd like to jump into some mud and cool down too. Speaking of sweating, maybe pigs don't sweat, but neither do chickens, 'sudar como un pollo' ha ha. In any case, it's more fun to be creative like Interaptor, 'sweat like a sinner in church', ha ha. How about, sweat like Interaptor trying to keep up with chainring on road bikes, ha ha ha. Just kidding. In any case, if I'm off the bike much more I'll be slower than molassis on a cold day. Well, I'm feeling better today, maybe I'll go for a short ride tomorrow and see how things go.
I have a doubt with the word "post". I don't know if it means a forum topic or an answer inside that topic. In spanish i usually talk about "post" as an answer, and "hilo" as a topic, and i've never had any problem, but in english i don't know if i'm using the correct words. I haven't read all the topic, but after reading last few answers, i guess chainring suffered an accident with his bike (kissed the ground, according to a spanish saying ) a few days ago. I hope you're feeling better and better.
Hi Rober. Theoretically speaking thread is "Hilo" , post "respuesta". When you post on a thread you actually have your say on it. Notice that In english you can use "post" either as a noum or as a verb, but you´re right when you say that in spanish we asume it´s a noum ("mi post"), tho it is right to say "my post on this thread", "post" as a noum. Spanish is my mother tounge, Chain´s english. So he can obviously give us some light about it. Some even say "postear" as a verb... just spanglish!. Anyway there´re many spanish words to say what we wish to say without a mixture like that. It´s not water molecules what I sweat out when I try to keep up with him, but my entire energy and life!!!. Anyway, spanish sentence "Sudar como un cerdo" makes the same literal error as english does. Pd1.- Use a better word to talk about Chain´s fall: "Faceplanted" ;-) Pd2.- Be careful! As Chain says, to get fresh could be a dangeorus verb in meaning!. Cool down´s better ;-)
Ok then, an answer is a post, and i should call thread what i'm calling topic. Spain isn't a good place for good speaking. I remember a Michael Robinson, several years ago, making an interview in Liverpool to Steve McManaman, in "perfect" english. When the interview was over, Michael tell us that when his wife watched the video, she told him that he had achieved speak as awfully english as spanish. I´ve never heard of "faceplanted" as a funny word to express a fall. As of now, I'll use it. Anyway, i wish the best for Chain's recover.
In fact, after so many years in Spain I´m pretty sure Chain´s english sounds weird to an american fellow but perfect californian english to us.
I liked David´s idea of different front-rear tires, so I put a very smooth , narrower -2.0- and easy rolling Bontrager LT3 Eco rear , letting the Continental MountainKing 2.2 be my front guide as it grips so well!. Just went for a paved road ride and love this bike setting on asphault. More to see on the dirt. Will the Bontrager have enough traction?. I´m just a XC man so this tire could do the trick or make the job done... Continental MountainKing 2.2 Bontrager LT3 ECO Cheers!
Hey, looks like a good combination of tires. I still need to pick up a front tire. I'm thinking of a Minion but apparently they're very popular so are hard to find, and I just haven't had time to look around, but I think I'll have more free time in October.
The Minion should hook up well on trails even though it's designed for DH. Did you take a look at Ebay?. Don´t know if it is worht the additional charge for shipping. Anyway, Bikenosis has at least three front tires to choose from: NEUMÁTICO MAXXIS MINION DELANTERO 26X2.35 60a BUTYL, NEW NEUMÁTICO MAXXIS MINION DELANTERO 26X2.35 ST BUTYL, NEW NEUMÁTICO MAXXIS MINION DELANTERO 26X2.50 3C Exo protection , NEW Some reviews: Too many options means too much effort to pick up the right one. You´ll need that free time in October!!!
Guess what. Today my family and me went to a consumer paradise (the Plaza Norte) in San Sebastián de los Reyes, so while they were experiencing consumer bliss, I escaped and went to Sanferbike in search of my own personal realization. To make a long story short, I bought a Navegal 2.35 tubeless tire for my front wheel. I've put it on and can't wait to try it out. In fact I'm going to El Pardo tomorrow for an easy ride; easy because my chest/ribs still hurt from my fall, but certainly not as bad as before, but I'm going to be taking it easy, for example, no jumps! (I must remember to exercise self-control: often once on my bike I forget all my good intentions and start reaching for the limits.) Kenda Navegal Maxxis Ardent (the 2.25 is on the left) In any case, thanks for your help Interaptor, but as you see I couldn't wait any longer. Now when I go for a ride I don't have to be always worrying about the front tire sliding out.
Cool! With all those tread patterns in the market, I do like this kinda impulsive way of getting things that keep you out from a bit of thought!. Congrats on saving such a time in October; according to what they say, I´m sure the Navegal will really assess your needs. When your pain´s off (I hope it is today in your 1st ride ever since the fall) you could tell us how you feel on your new tires. Navegals and Ardents are well reputed (and not economical too I have to say) tires, you should be sticked to tarmac while free rolling on the road. Nice tires for your Rallon. It will look even cooler!. Love that bike of yours.
actually: how do you want to perform? i guess those tyres are big ones. You guys don't seem to be much on the xc side...XD everything over 2.1 on a 26 inch is much too heavy and rolls slowly.... try something narrower like pythons, fast track, ground control or that sort it's enough and the handicap is diminished
That´s true for me. As a light trail biker, I don´t even need more than 1.9 mounted on my bike. But I guess it´s not for Chain. Take into account that his Rallon came standard with Hutch Cougar 2.4, so it´s a slight downgrade what he did... and man, sometimes he does need it since he is into some enduro stuff... That said, I love the efficiency of narrower tires but it is XC and not enduro what I actually enjoy the most. Chain´s aim (at least till his last fall) is just the the other way around. BTW the Minion 2.5 is along the lines of 1250-1300 grms deeply in the heavy side!!! :???:
Yeah so I went for a little ride in El Pardo today and things look good. My injured ribs still hurt but aren't doing too badly. Actually after the ride I did some stretching and they really hurt, ouch! getting up is the hard part. But now after a wonderful siesta I'm right as rain : ) Rain... did you see that rain? Took me by surprise. Luckily I was already home. Actually I'd just like to say in my defense that among my five two-wheel contraptions you can find an enduro machine (my beloved Rallon, my first full suspension) and an XC model (my Conor Tora), aaaand it's got a 2.0 in the back and a 2.1 up front. BTW, while I was on holiday in Galicia I was the XC King! ha ha ha, I wish. I was on my Rallon and I had a blast, but I wasn't coming in first, let me tell you. But it doesn't matter if you win or lose, it's how you play the game. P.S. Do you believe that? Winning is everything :twisted: ha ha ha (just kidding).