Hi Peldez, long time no see! Good one, Interaptor! Funny pic! But I'm actually thinking of getting rid of one my bikes; haven't used my jump bike for months.
Not mine either Peldez, so let´s change gears off of the slang thing. Chain, I´m curoius about your jump bike, the one you´re thinking of getting rid of. What is it for? Yeah, as it´s name says it is for jumping but am I wrong when I link it just to dirt-street biking? An Enduro full suspension bike, I presume, can face stronger jumps in the dirt but it´s too heavy for street jumping... Are those street jumps what a jump bike is for??? When in your life as a reputable biker you felt like practising street jumping!!!? :scratch
hi peldez new guy in town! take a seat and enjoy! What's that all about you chain ?? DJing? i should have guessed this would happen.... omg!!
Yeah, I've been thinking of getting rid of my jump bike, but it's fun taking it to jumps and hanging out with 13-year-olds, who jump better than me! ha ha ha It'd be shame to get ride of it tho, I just haven't used it for a while, but it's enjoyable to take it around little tracks with little berms and jumps and stuff. Here's a pic of me taken at the Casa de Campo on the Commenzal Absolut about two years ago.
i cant't believe my eyes. There you're leaping unaware of an awkward landing. Looks great indeed! All those pics drive me to believe that you´re a bikeaholic!
Yeah, notice he´s unprotected mode on. Bikeaholic! Chain always has a bike in mind since there is no room for another one at his house!. ;-) Nice small Street and BMX style bike! With That original true blue colour in it you can´t keep a low profile when riding. Now I know where your technique comes from. Some of the jump bikes I saw were single speed. Not the case of yours, so it´s more polivalent than others, and as we can tell by seeing the pic, it´s very handy when you ride for fun!. Nice jump bike from Commenzal.
Today I got up before the crack of dawn and headed for El Espinar. It was so early in fact that I passed a police check, but I guess I didn't look suspicious because I wasn't breath-tested. In any case, from El Espinar we rode to Hornillo, GR-10, Gargantilla, and Picachu. It was a beautiful day, albeit cold, and a good ride, tho it seemed today everybody's bike was breaking down. One guy's rear derailleur and rear mech hanger broke. It was impossible to fix so he had to jog/walk back to the town, but he rode down the hills! Before the ride in El Espinar. That's me on the bike. And crossing a stream. The guys were saying that a few weeks ago it was bone dry.
LOL If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it maybe a duck. Police officer 1 to police officer 2: “Does he appear to be drunk?”. Police officer 2 to Po1: “Nope, He´s just a bikeaholic”. Po1 to Po2: “Ok, let him go”. ;-) Sooooooooo new places on your list: Hornillo, GR-10, Gargantilla, Picachu. Those forests are so nice to be climbed to the top to go down the other side... You have the power in you when you look on them as a challenge and finally don´t get defeated... Nice pic of your yerterday´s adventure, David. It´s just a month or so for them not to turn white before the snow season... When the snow comes you can always ride to Marmota Bridge like I did yesterday. We now depend mostly on the weather -it will rain 3 or 4 days this week in Madrid- and the time -after changing the local hour, soon it will be dark at 6.00pm- to go for a ride!. Cheers!!! Pd.- Yeah, I guess those rides are hard on frame and components but it´s part of the adventure!
ow Chain what a sweeet ride! how lovely is El Ingeniero isn´t it? Have yo ever tried to ride it from Guadarrama altogether with Jarosa descents? It's really cute. Skim on wikiloc.... I was also at La Sierra this week-end, but on the other end of it ... Miraflores-Soto! Whgat a beefy descent from La Perdigeuera, pretty more thrilling than GR10 from Canencia to Bustarviejo just take a glimpse those xc fags are improving quickly we´re taking our kicks in your yard!! By the way, what a rough place LA Marmota is.... weren´t you soak while wading the Arooyo Tejada? Like in Chain´s flick i wonder we all finished with our toes chilled to the bone
Wow, that looks like a cool ride! I haven't been to that area lately but I once did the GR-10 from Canencia to Miraflores, it was pretty technical at times. And I've been up to Morcuera a couple of times. La Perdiguera doesn't ring any bells, but judging by your pics it looks awesome. Sounds like your ride was a good mix of trails and technical single tracks. Don't worry, in the pic where I'm crossing a stream I didn't get my toes wet. It was an easy crossing, just had to coast across. I'll probably be doing enduro extreme at La Marmota and el Arrollo Tejada before long, ha ha, especially when I can't go to the Sierra cos of bad weather... or cos my wife has the car!
Some weeks ago it was a chat about Armstrong, USADA report and, days after, Hobson's choice. I've found interesting this Wired oped: Lance Armstrong and the Prisoners Dilemma of Doping in Professional Sports
Absolutely. From my studies in Economics I can see a clear example of the prisoner’s dilemma in banned performance enhancing substances and/or the methods around them in the pro-cycling world, in relation with asymmetric information from each other that the riders have. That´s to complete the dilemma shown in that article with Akerlof´s “Market for lemons” referring to decisions taken under uncertainty. Cycling and Economics side by side! The problem in such a scenario is pretty the same: Up to day and for what illegal substances concern, enforcement of law is not 100% guarantied. Under dishonesty or uncertainty about it, every other rider could think the next guy is doping, and the outcome is what we´re seeing. Many things can be done -not only in cycling but in sports in general-, none of them to underestimate the prisoner´s dilemma behind cheats like those on the cycling world. Thank you for posting that article, Peldez. What a tough ride you went for last weekend, Jorge. You´re supposed to be a XC rider but those challenges are boosting you to the next level. Soon you may need the ultimate enduro machine from whatever top class brand… Do you hear the call of them? ;-) Chain, we´ve to also feed our roadies. Jorge is hearing the call from the dark side, but don´t you hear your skinny crying for some action?!. Let´s hope fine weather for one of these days… Cheers!
Interesting point of view on the the doping culture, the cat and mouse game of detecting dope use. Very good point that detectors have the ability to look back into the past. Seems the solution is to somehow get away from the prisoner's dilemna (or Market for Lemons), but how?
You refer to enduro as 'the next level', does that mean enduro is better than XC? Ha ha, I suppose they're like apples and oranges. You know, horses for courses, different strokes for different folks. So your homework is to learn those idioms. There will be a test in the next class, ha ha. Probably our friend Jorge is an XC ace at heart, but just wants a bit more biking variety. And I can sure understand that. By the way Jorge, while you weren't looking, I peeked at your thread and saw a video of your ride, and actually most of the technical sections didn't look all that great, just loose rocks scattered across the trail. But the pic you posted here looks pretty good. I missed the ride on my road bike last week (because of the rain), and I can really feel it. I mean, I'm just not tired enough. Strange how you get addicted to that. In any case, I'd love to go for a ride, perhaps on Friday morning with Juan Carlos, weather permitting of course. Maybe even on Thursday, tho I hope to hook up with a ride in the Sierras. Can you believe this rain? I've been having Andy Williams days: hanging out at home (well, when I'm not at work), listening to this singer, sipping on vanilla soy milk, and nibbling on couscous. I suppose Glenfiddich is sexier, but I'm getting to the age where most of my vices have been banned :???:
Well, in theory the most effective and quick way of getting away from that dilemma is getting a balance in information, where every rider´s knowledge is exactly the same. The closer to this scenario, the lower likehood of doping. This theory is not easy, I guess, to implement on the ground. But I can think of many things to do to get the job done. Anyway, having been reading USADA´s reasoned decision on Armstrong´s case, I realize we are far from truly conquer honesty in cycling… Yeap, you need a better technique when practicing enduro, so in that sense enduro is more demanding than XC. That step ahead or next level is not so clear when we think in terms of physical demand, where XC is not behind of enduro if not one step ahead… I quote you on that and learn how to say it in style: horses for courses, different strokes for different folks … WOW! LOL Glenfiddich´s sexier than couscous, no doubt about it!... Anyway, the sexiest thing is riding a road bike, so maybe we´ll be up for it on Friday or whenever we can!. Cheers!
Aj! Fucking Akerlof's lemon market theory for used car market..."Economía de la empresa" was not my favourite topic...
Yeah! You certainly seem to be more in favour of Akerlof´s procrastination theory!. As a matter of fact, that´s another brilliant –and yeap, maybe boring- idea he came up with when trying to send some stuff in a box to India and procrastinated the task… Based on this, He was able to think of a new theory. Now, straight to the point: Doohan, Are you in Lisbon yet? Anyway, DO NOT procrastinate your bike rides!. David is getting stronger whatever the ride may be. Cheers!