Morning Jorgt. Foggy day in Madrid. I´m leaving for a ride in an hour to join some other guys, Chain included, so I´ll capture him and get my 25.000 dollars reward ;-)
and the bike is still being service i´m eager to ride damnn it! Why the hell are they so fragile? At this moment the hub is kind of blown out , i feel like shite this cannot happen anymore, it´s my darn bike and i want to be on her blasting some trails! i´m bikesick i guess So you shared some time this morning, go on and tell us how it went at least i´m looking forward for that!
Miserable foggy day today, wasn't it? And the forecast is for more of the same. I really don't mind winters in Madrid because they're usually cold but with blue skies, and that's what I like. Anyway, this'll give me a chance to catch up on housework, ha ha. By the way, Inter, sorry I didn't make it this morning. There's not much in the way of pictures from last Sunday, but here's a group shot. We stopped here (on the old Schmidt trail) for maybe 45 minutes while this guy was struggling with his tubeless tires, both of which went flat at the same time!
I've just discovered this forum! I'm posting 5 years ago in ForoMTB and now I find it...what pity I haven't discovered it before. Anyway, better late than never!
Unfortunately I missed the ride with Inter this morning You should have (at least) two bikes: your good one and your old one for emergencies. I really cannot even conceive of being totally bikeless. That would be like a day without clothes or something.
Hello Sus-88! I'm glad you finally discovered this bit of the forum. Feel free to write anytime and tell us about your bike adventures, or comment on ours.
Speaking of pictures, here's one from a week ago. I think this is the GR24, or Majavilán trail, and it goes from Fuenfría to Cercedilla.
Thak U!, Very nice background, love the sight from where the photo was taken. Truly inspirational. That is the GR-24 trail. I have been told of the beauty of the GR-88 as well. I will keep in mind all these numbers. Nothing to be sorry about, Chain. No apologies needed. On the contrary, it´s me the one to be sorry for not having foreseen such that miserable foggy weather. In fact, I have so much to thank you for your support and friendship. Anyway... Miserable weather -it´s sprinkling now- but every cloud has a silver lining: I ended up knowing two biker girls on my way back home!. No more comments on this! I wanna also welcome Sus_88 to this English corner of the forum. Have fun mate! Guys, I´m going to be off for 4 days as I have to get something done in other city... Will back in just 4 days. Keep on riding, talking and posting that great pics!!! SeeyA!
Is it a coincidence that all of you wear in red and black? ;-) That´s a football team mate... ten players in black and red, the goalkeeper down in his knees in white!!!.
Good night mates! Thanks for your warm welcome. I don't now if any of you live in Castellón or close to, would be interesting to know about, who knows, one day we can meet... I belong for 4 years to Club MTB Comecaminos and we usually ride on Sundays around Serra d'Espadà. During cold seasons (autumn and winter) I tend to ride 2-3 times/week around industrial areas (which are quite and illuminated), what do you think about? Is it a good alternative to the roller? Regards,
I haven't been to Castellón actually. Is there some good mountain biking there? The industrial areas might be nice way to stay in shape. I imagine it's like me: sometimes I ride my bike up and down some hills in my neighborhood just to stay in shape. It's not exciting but it beats rollers!
Mountains? Castellón is the second most mountainous province of Spain, so imagine... I'm combining biking (also with road bike) and spinning at gym, it's a good way to be fit, although time to time, for work, I'm abroad and try to jogging...but not always possible.
don´t ride if you have a massive hangover or you'll blow out , that's my advice take good care of you there ..... Shite i'm sick . Hi sus 88 we share some other concerns such as français...comment ça va??