Here's a video about Rachel Atherton, top downhill rider, and it shows the intense pressure these people are under. Rachel's taken second place at Fort Williams SIX TIMES! That hurts. Here are some lines from the video, most of it slang. Can you hear it? gnarly scenery awesome race venue she's on fire now It's gnarly, the noise you hear get in the zone the track was rad I won in qualifying, I'm pretty stoked I had a massive crash, I beat myself up pretty bad you're very very nervous deep down on the surface I try and be very like, just chilled out You gave it your all I was stoked for Ragot, she obviously rode flat out It's hands down the biggest race good effort [video=youtube;PvuRSPt2DS0][/video]
LOL That vid is so funny... it flowers up our vocabulary!. Jargon is something that makes people smile, will always exist in language. I find it difficult to understand what she´s saying. Never heard gnarly, ever. Neither does my dictionary!. Got Nothing in return when looked it up. Had to google it to know what she was talking about... Too much work for me guys! :rasta
I thought it was funny that way back in ancient times, I mean a long time ago, like in primitive times way before the internet and mobile phones, when I was a beach rat in California, I used to say stuff like, 'I'm so stoked', 'Check out those gnarly waves', 'That is so rad'. But when I came to Madrid I realized I was the only one using these expressions and I figured they must be associated with teenagers with acne, so I jettisoned them from my working vocabulary. Now all these years later I hear Englishwoman and downhill ace Rachel Atherton bandying them about. Rad!
LOL. Oh Rad!. Yeah, It´s something that teenagers often do to avoid overused terms: Mola mazo colega. I can imagine a foreing spanish student trying to figure out what it´s meaned to say by that... what do we have here?! Molar = Back tooth. Mazo = Mallet. Colega = Colleague. So the bottom line could well be in meaning that your tooth pain is caused by an inappropiate tool that a dentist used instead...and you´re talking to a co-worker. :scratch
I've never really been into that kind of slang, like 'gnarly dude', or the Spanish 'Mola mazo colega', but I really do love descriptive or metaphorical language, for example in the video above, 'She's on fire', or what Jorge said, 'You're playing with fire, and you might get burnt'.
Actually I didn´t know "to be on fire" was slang. Although metaphorical and not academic English to my ears, I would have never said it´s slang to yours. Here you have the last word since it´s difficult for a non native speaker to tell where is the red line not to be tresppased when trying to define what´s slang or not, funny playful language or academic... Obviously there are some words to rule out in a general academic context (micturate instead of pee ) but many others are in the limbo of our own knowledge as non native speakers.So Thanks a lot for your help on this! :saltador Last Saturday I went for a quick ride to EP. Pleased to see most of the trees in there covered with some beautiful lichens. I took a samples and this picture below because I was told these specific lichens can grow only in pure air environment. With a lot of cars out there it´s good news for us in Madrid. The air in EP is supossedly fresh and pure!!!. No better energy to pedal our bikes!!! ;-) Cheers!
wow ow w howww!! what's that gear your on? that's not weed fella! you'll better do not smoke that! You know what ? ((-ken what?- scot)) i've spent some time watching rock n rolla and now i'm stoke man ((-ken?-)) there's massive vocabulary to follow up in there. Well probably this sort of slang might be way too weird for a thirtyish but aye it's colourful and i enjoy it pretty much.... as far as i'm here for chatting and learning this seems like a darn good lesson! Guess you wouldn't bother interaptor, i was just pulling your leg nice to see you were riding so did i today until i froze. night night!!!
Well, it's good to hear we're breathing clean air in El Pardo, tho I imagine it's cleaner in the winter than in the summer. In any case, the Sierra is by far the coolest place to go, in fact it's so cool it's freezing, colder than a witch's tit, ha ha. I may go to La Jarosa on Sunday, have never been there before and I hear there's snow, maybe I'll make a snowman :razz: I was checking out this video on women bikers doing free ride in Washington State. The event, Sugar Showdown, was organized by and for women. Looks like the first day they trained up the more novice riders and on the second day there was a competition. Some of them look really good, like better than me. It'd be awesome to do something like that (they use the word 'awesome' a few hundred time). If you want to skip right to the action most of it start starts around mimute 23. I wouldn't mind going to a mountain biking school like that! [video=youtube;2tkKqoowfC4][/video]
Do you know Vallnord BikePark? They host Cédric Gracia's courses in summer that are quite popular among skilled Alicante mt-bikers.
hi peldez! sure but Cédric isn't as much as sexy as those tomboys are. Some of them are far nice mints, wouldn't mind a ride of course! By the way..have you attended one of that courses? tell us more plz! Chain don't be nasty!!! ... that's why there are no she mtbikers among us, we are quite sick minded.... XD have fun at Jarosa though it'll be easy, what a spot lad!
About your advice...100% agree, hehe. Je vais bien, j'espère que vous êtes bien aussi! If any of you know somebody that's looking for a 80mm stem, please, let me know because I'm trying to sell one... Thanks in advance!
peldez, who's that in the pic? Let me tell you, that's over my head... get it? over my head? That means it's too difficult for me, but you could also take it literally, like the rider in the pic is higher than me, over my head... well, you could give a polite chuckle at least, ha ha Yeah, I'm sure Cedric only takes truly advanced riders, like the kind that would do that jump, afraid I don't measure up (now that's a curious expressions, think in Spanish it basically translates as 'no doy la talla'). Think I'd be better off with the girls... and some of them I wouldn't throw out of bed for eating cookies, like Lorraine Blanche (see her at minute 2.06). I'm obviously just kidding about that, being happily married and all. In any case, some of them are good yet seem accepting of more humble riders. And yeah, I've always been curious about what it is that frightens women away from us mountain bikers. I thought it might be body odor, but now I know it's how sick we are, blowing our noses whilst pedaling, going up to trees and peeing on them...
Chain, you've got a link under «skilled» to see who “The Tribu of Orgegia” are, and a complete photo sequence of that jump. Take the chuckle for granted, and thanks for the idioms
Hey!. Great to see you participating more and more in Chain´s thread!. Guys, I want this tendency to be unstoppable. As you see, both your English and your pleasure as bikers will rapidly go up if keeping on posting. Now, some days ago while road biking along with Chain, he told me he didn´t commute to work on a bike in Madrid mostly for safety reasons and -why not- the excellent public transport system we have here in Madrid.Besides, I know how congested roads can be in rush hours and would feel really bad if something happend after cheering him up to do so. Cold in the winter, hot in the summer... etc, etc...taking all that into account, It´s up to us whatever we do. Anyway, I´ve to say that my own experience as a city-biker in Madrid is far from being dangerous. I don´t communte to work because I walk to work, but when I ride my bike through Madrid proper I happen to see respect and kinda care from car drivers. There is always exceptions to the rule, but for the most part this is how I feel when city biking in Madrid. Confortable and safe city for commuters, tho it´s always a pain in the neck to take care of your bike for the rest of the day or to sweat from a bike ride. There´re always pros and cons of everything in live! Take a look at this vid from a londoner commuter. He has houndreds of vids where we can see nothing but a lack of respect to cyclist in London. By seeing his vids you could think he´s always arguing with car drivers out there, catching plates on camera. Not true, but again, there are relevant exceptions to the general rule of respect to bikers. Finaly, as promissed, I wanna post the alternative bike route in Madrid. A map in which we can always find an alternative and safer street for us to ride in Madrid: Safe rides and peace!
peldez, thanks for the link to the pics. I tell you, you have to be a bit of a daredevil to do that jump. I actually prefer littler ones. Inter, in that first video the guy's watching out for people who throw trash from their car, and then he goes and has words with them. A bit dangerous I'd say, especially in England where fighting's considered a leisure activity, ha ha (just kidding). BTW, I've just noticed that his hobbies include cycling and mixed martial arts. So the guy rides his bike around and picks fights. Hey, maybe I'll try that! ha ha The 'mapa de la bici' looks good. I looked around my neighborhood and, for example, they suggest a road parallel to Arturo Soria, which can be scary with cars whizzing by you. Today I rode around the Casa de Campo with an old friend (Rod), whom I haven't seen for ages. It was actually a good ride in the sense that the cdc is so easy compared to what I usually do, I was just shredding the place up! ha ha BTW, you know he's a musician, he's just come out his second CD called Hard Times ♫ (and they're on sale for the low low price of 10 eurals) 8)