Let's talk about biking in English

Tema en 'Foreign Bikers' iniciado por chainring, 7 Ene 2011.

  1. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Yeah! Rod. Funny guy. Once I renamed him as Bob. No big deal, both Bob and Rod are notorious names for musicians. I hope the best of lucks with every release he puts out tho certainly bad times for music in general... He must seek new sources of getting customers like those on the internet. Cheer him up on his music!.

    LOL. You´re right, that martial art-ist´s really overdoing it and needs to calm down a little bit!!!. He literally says he doesn´t care if you are Mike Tyson or Arnold S, he will go up to you to have words on your behahivour. ;-) Kinda Constable on bike saving the World at work. Not exactly the best way to introduce yourself ;-). As you say and Peldez like you to say: Horses for courses. Jorge is more like this: You Know bro, that mother freaking cycling star is asking for a f. nigra retaliation ;-)
  2. jorgt

    jorgt Corre Conejo correee!!

    28 Feb 2007
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    hiya! what a mood that guy on the video!

    guess what? that nigga wanted it , he was asking for it , he wanted it so baaaaaad!! hey tiny little coon you wanna piss me?? Go , make my day! -sorry for the derog language- inter you picked the point !! :D

    so, we the spaniards don't trust our 'canned' road mates at all but from my behalf, and experience, commuting in mid-size towns is not pretty much risky!

    Rob, Bob, musician... handfull of cool acquaintances you have out there!
  3. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:



    Última edición: 3 Dic 2012
  4. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
    Yeah, Rod's a talented guy. I always encourage his music!

    Ha ha ha ha ha! they probably do pee on trees, ha ha ha, although once (just once) I went on a mountain bike ride with some chicks and they disappeared behind some bushes when they needed to take a leak.

    Yeah, I'll take the gorgeous girl in the second picture. I tell you, she rings my bell!
  5. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Well, in long-hours of daily practice cycling is a pill for women´s bodies. Regular training burn many calories, their body fat dropping quickly to maybe seven-six even five per cent, no extra weight allowed since the power/weight ratio is essential to keep on pedaling when the road goes uphill. That pill is great because although getting in shape there is no power loose, their energy going up, it´s a truly endurance sport that certainly pays off in terms of overall health.

    But, there is always a but, I´m not so sure if cycling is good for one "little thing"...

    The following words are just impressions, nothing but ideas on my own... Maybe wrong maybe not.

    Have you ever think of cyclists expressions?. I mean, the expression on the face of a rider... It´s usually far from being a smiling one. Is this any good for making attractive wrinkles on our dreamed pretty sweety lady like that on the photo?. I´m pretty sure this is not a common topic among us cyclist, but I like uncommon things... We can see expressions of exhaustation, intense and effort, we don´t see many of peace, joy, even when the rider is fully enjoying pedaling... Even when we enjoy our rides most of the time, our faces are not showing that way, and I wonder if a pretty sweety lady would like her face to have wrinkles of pain instead of joy, excitement and pleasure... Whay do you guys think about it? Will we cyclists have to smile when on a bike to avoid our faces becoming dull, inexpresive or even hard for the rest of our lives???. Yeah! It´s all about countenances guys!. Come on and have your say on this! ;-) <---- happiest expression ever.
    Última edición: 4 Dic 2012
  6. jorgt

    jorgt Corre Conejo correee!!

    28 Feb 2007
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    i find myself nodding ... Inter that psychological issue is much more important for 'hers' as it is for the 'his'.. Long term endurance, suffering, wrinkles, spitting, gasping for breath all sweaty and dirty. That ain't cool whatsoever, that ain't funny at all for them.... as it is for us.

    Apart form that physically demanding issue, there's the physical unappealing and ridiculous appearance. What's so nice in a man in lycra? And in a girl? all body faults are remarked and they hate it ! On the other side... why dressing warfare, rap singers, casual boyish clothes? -not at all - they would asses.

    99% of the gear is made for us now it's hard to see a girl into the stuff. Some brands are making it -Spec,Trek, Scott- but there's way too much to be done yet.
  7. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    You´re right. It´s mostly a female corncern. We are mesmerized of the mistery into a woman´s mind.

    I can see every other lady asking herself if cycling will leave such a sour look on her face for ever or just while riding her bike... The colour her maillot has to have or worrying about her fingernails... ;-).

    Any woman around here to stop us from saying -maybe false- stereotypes!???.

    By seeing how delicate a woman can be I´m pretty sure cycling is not something to take into consideration for a lot of them... Any girl to prove me wrong?

    I can also see a difference in dirty MTB or clean city/road biking on regular basis. Dutch women are considered to be beautiful (average the most beautiful women in the world)... and they usually go by bike ( I mean a clean road/trekking/city bike). No sex appeal lost in their way, nor in their mind... So they go on pedaling on female style with no need of specialized clothes to put on...

    Última edición: 4 Dic 2012
  8. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
    Well, there are obviously different types of biking, I imagine a lot of women could get into leisurely rides around town or in the countryside, so there's not too much pain and suffering, and horror, sour looks. In any case, the suffering and 'sour looks' are only temporary. After the ride you'll have lost unwanted calories and improved your legs. But I suppose society doesn't consider doing strenuous exercise as feminine. Maybe electric bikes will get our female counterparts out more.

    In any case, I don't think we cyclists have 'sour looks', except maybe in the most strenuous moments.

    BTW, I have heard some members of the fair sex say they don't ride because they don't want to get muscular legs.
  9. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Yup, In case there are potential biker girls watching this and for those girls (not many I´m guessing because this is a bike enthusiast forum) who don´t ride to avoid getting muscular legs, we have to say that cycling is a great way to get sexy firm lovely legs. We encourage them to give it a go. It´s probably the quickest way to firm up, among others, thights and buttocks, a fantastic body weight exercise as you enjoy a relaxed trip around town. Neither Chain nor Jorge will have any inconvenience in monitoring your progress, so just drop by here and we´ll composed personal training exercises for your legs to be lean and firm as they should be. A bicycle just puts the fun between them... And remember our motto: "You won´t get your dreamed legs just by pushing a gas pedal!!!" :)

    Pd.- One of these days I will promote this English part of the forum through the "Ciclismo femenino" -or the girls section-. ;-)
    Última edición: 5 Dic 2012
  10. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
    Ha ha ha ha, so cycling puts fun between your legs, ha ha.

    Looks like tomorrow I'm going for a ride in the famous El Pardo. Enjoy your night out, Inter!
  11. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
    Here are some female XC riders doing some serious riding. Maybe the video is carefully edited, but they all look really cool to me, even when pushing hard.

  12. jorgt

    jorgt Corre Conejo correee!!

    28 Feb 2007
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    ERMMMM HELMETS DON'T SUIT 'EM WELL! sorry for the caps. in fact i rather watch girls' xc races far too more exciting since Nino took the lead this is getting dull. and aye, ladies fall way too more often and that's another good point
  13. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
    Maybe that's it: they don't get into it cos they feel they look unattractive in a helmet. Personally I like seeing a pretty girl who's talented on a bike.


    Had fun in El Pardo today. It was jumps galore! And a few berms, in fact at the very end I managed to fall on one, but fairly minor, no exterior injuries at all, but my right latissumus dorsis hurts a bit. I'm wondering if it'll bother me tomorrow on the road bike. Actually it might rain which would mean no road bike.
  14. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Thank U Chain. I got back home at 7.00am, was able to go go for a 50 kmts ride on my hybrid at 10.30am. I´m starting to think that we´re crazy about bikes.

    In fact it was raining at the time you usually get on your roadie, no road biking for you today I presume. I guess Jorge doesn´t care that much about the weather out there.

    Anyway, for those of you who care, here you are, some tips on maintenance, new stuff and the like vids (sorry, they´re in spanish) from a well reputed bike shop in Madrid, Mammoth:


    Have a great day and remember no rain lasts for ever. This evening is also bike-time!
  15. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
  16. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Nice Photo. I´m curious about how many shots are needed or how the photographer is able to catch the frame of the exact moment of the jump´s peak...
  17. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
    A guy had a camera with a rapid fire feature. He got six pics of me, here's the next one.


    And here's an exciting little trail in El Pardo aptly called Red Bull.


    Too bad we didn't have a camera today, we could show Jorge, and anybody else listening in, a few pictures of el Puente de la Marmota and the Medieval Bridge trail. Cool ride!
    Última edición: 8 Dic 2012
  18. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Understood. Rapid fire feature for taking lovely and inspirational pics like these on your last post!.

    Sorry to forget the camera on our yesterday´s ride to La Marmota. To make up, and taking inspiration of your last pic, here is an anonymous one that I called "Down to Earth on bike" ;-). Eye pleasure is what you get when mixing cycling and photography...

    Ver el archivo adjunto 3171474

  19. jorgt

    jorgt Corre Conejo correee!!

    28 Feb 2007
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    nice pics and beautiful girls! Pretty nice to see you taking off that stuff's lots of fun. So if El PArdo means that i'll better take my kicks in there .... and it 'll be great if i ever learn how to use the rapid fire issue too.


    for example... too late and way too unfocused. Crap!

    but this one gets better...


    both are shot here in Alcala during yesterday's ride!! Hops and so! bikes&friends you see ...

    Oh yes i had to tell u sth... Last Friday i cheated a couple lass as nuts as me and tried to do a ride from Alcala to Navacerrada mountain pass..... 110 kms ... We obviously were unable to finish, we failed 7 kms before reaching the top but it was worth a try, it was enough by the time we started climbing Navacerrada there were more than 90 kms in our legs, heavier and hardened like stone... There was a mate who blew out soon, my fuse went out 5 kms later, as i performed a lovely plush into a mountain stream i couldn't wade on the bike... just decided to call it off and while descending i guess i fancied another hit and went over the handlebar making my ribs to come into a rock kind of bad... damn it hurts so plenty! So that was the end, no more trails, main road to Cerce , hamburguers, beers and a train commute to Alcala..... we'll be back Sierra!

    How would you say mucho arroz pa tan poco pollo in english?

    way over your limits?? guess it isn't so.... out of your league? perhaps but i' d rather use something more colloquial. .. .here i am ,looking forward for your proposals!

    Thank U Chain. I got back home at 7.00am, was able to go go for a 50 kmts ride on my hybrid at 10.30am. I´m starting to think that we´re crazy about bikes. -look at this you're insane!! well done lass!-
    Última edición: 9 Dic 2012
  20. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Oh Dear oh dear... Who´s crazy here!!!? I just slept for 3 hours only but you deceived your partners with an easy pleasant ride to the beauty of the Navacerrada peak from Alcalá!!!... No slang here, but here is mine: "You´ve taken on too much mate!!!". Spanish seems to be much more elocuent on this: "Quién mucho abarca poco aprieta"!. ;-) Compare to this failed attempt to reach on bike the colossal mountain top point, the Baumgartnert ride is just easy peasy japanese... Anyway I love challenges and I encourage you to keep on trying!

    Very nice photos of your yerterday´s ride!. Very low pressure... or a flat on your rear red tyre? (1st. photo above) :lool

    Pd.- the guy on the lefty is jumping by the book ;-)
    Última edición: 9 Dic 2012

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