Wow, 90 people! It was a hit! And I bet it was a lot of fun too. So what kind of pace did people maintain on this ride? Were people going all out, or taking it easy, or somewhere in the middle?
LOL. It seems like Chain´s thinking of racing and needs some information here!. Has a lot of cycling experience but most of it on the non-competitive side...
Nope! We're not talking about a race. It was "only" a meeting for strengthening ties with the groups of the same area. The track was a bit of everything, with wide and easy tracks, steep ones, several narrow and funny trails and of course, very good mood. Races will be another challenge, won't it? ¡Hala! Yo también tengo Tapatalk.
All of it on the non-competitive side. Actually I can't say I'm dying to take part in a race, I'm pretty happy with what I do, but maybe I'd sign up for something just to check it out. Sounds like it was a social ride, and there was a variety of trails and dirt roads. My impression is that a 'dirt road' is 'pista ancha', pistas = trails, trialeras = single tracks, though I think some use single tracks and trails interchangeably
Ok. I'll take note. I use track as "pista ancha", trail as "sendero" and trialera... No idea man! ¡Hala! Yo también tengo Tapatalk.
Wait a minute man. I´m not so sure if not wearing a number implies non-competitiveness... What about the great delight you take in passing some other riders on your road biking day? You gloat over it! Isn´t that kinda competition? any more competitive and you´d flip them off!!! ;-)
Oops, the cat's out of the bag. Now you know my secret. It thrills me to pass up other riders, particularly small children and the handicapped (maybe because they're the only ones I can pass). And the reason I have no burning desire to take part in a race is because everyone will be passing me up! Ha ha ha Seriously, there isn't a grain of truth to what Interaptor says. Anyway, I always ride with slower riders than me, so I believe I'm the best in the world! (so it can be upsetting if someone passes me up.) Ha ha ha
[English teacher mode] It's just passes me. Pass up is a phrasal verb, it means - not take the opportunity presented. For example. Shakira paased up the opportunity for a night with Mackem. [/English teacher mode]
So What piss, not pass, Chain up really bad is another rider passing him or passing up the chance of any further revenge on that rider. We get the same conclusion here: He´s a competitive guy and Shakira missed the night of her life BTW, Tomorrow´s Friday, our biking day. My Gosh... If I put all this into together I think Chain will push hard, scarily hard... ;-(
Hey, that's the way I speak, and that's the way people say it on the other side of the pond, in California anyway. Actually I teach at the British Council so there I use British expressions, but here I like to let my hair down (what little I have left anyway).
LOL "No problemo, amigo!" It´s just californian way of speaking, californian way of life! See U tomorrow morning at 10:30h for what is sure to be a wonderful road bike experience! But before that, in honour to those crazy californians: Cheers!
Ha, I forget who's the native speakers here and who isnt. If I spoke in my natural dialect you wouldn't have a chance of understanding me. In other news, I'm planning a trip to California in the Summer. Probably not a lot of bike riding, but looking forward to it.
Ok guys. Taking into account my little misunderstanding related to paths, tracks, trails and all that stuff I've decided to ask the most relevant authority in teaching (and you too, also): Hello! Today we are going to distinguish between track, trail and whatever... This is a track: You told me it's a dirt road, may be also track or not? If no, could you show me an example por track? This is a trail: Here I believe we both think the same. And this is whatever: A single track from now on. I'll do thank any help to distinguish propperly all of this because I'm always doubtful when I try to write about. :scratch
WoW! Truly lovely bike that of yours.Chumba Chumba go go, Chumba Chumba go gooooo!!! ;-) LOL Mario´s post is cracking me up. That´s COCO!!! Just entered to say that the 1st. thing that come to a native´s mind when you say "track" could be something like this!: Track and field sports dude!
In my opinion. A track is anything you can ride/walk on that isnt paved. You have singeletrack - wide enough for 1 bike. Doubletrack - wide enough for 2 bikes. A trail is a linking of tracks to make one ride. The best trail is just one long track. Some trails will have, singletrack then road then doubletrack etc. Then you have things like fire-roads. Road-width things that 4x4s and emergency services use to gain access to mountainous/forested areas. Usesful mtbers to gain height easily. In England and Wales you have a legal distinction between paths (you cant ride on these) and bridleways(you can ride on these) BOATS (Byways open to all traffic) - anyone can go on these. In Scotland you can go where you like.
Moving down the line here... so far, how do you like/rate your new 1x10 drivetrain compared to say 2x9, 2x10?