Mackem, it´s a pity you can´t fully understand (I guess) funny spanish slang that Jorge and his colleagues use in his thread ( . It ´d have you absolutely cracking up ;-)
Affirmative on all counts. The photographer (Pedro) actually somehow tilted the camera a bit to bring out the steepness of the hill. If you hold the camera horizontal the hill often looks flat! The bottom bracket perfect: pedaling was as smooth as silk. You know, the pics make me realize I do some things right. After the ride I was dwelling on sections I felt dissatisfied with, namely some hairpin turns. If I sail through a section with zero problems I tend to forget all about it. This is actually fairly demanding reading for those of us who speak Spanish a second language: these guys have a huge vocabulary!
Wow, isn't that pic cute? Your thighs lok so smooth, Inter we are crushing and you know it . I fancied you from the verry first day.... :love Anyway, in spite of it all you will ever be my macho, that descent absolutely rocks, you don't miss any chance to show us your skills!
LOL Hummm Then I suggest you wait and know Pablo Gonzalez "Wittig", he´s built like an ox and the perfect candidate to be your next iconic macho, a bull of a man on a bike LOL , Even though Jorges slang is too hard to learn for non native spanish people, the most compelling reason to learn it is the good laugh you get at hearing you speaking that way ;-). So, here you go, your fisrt lesson to tame Jorge´s jargon: The dropped "d". Whenever you see a word ended with a "d", forget about it and let it go. So instead of saying "Solicitado", "Fumado" or "Cabreado", try to say "Solicitao, fumao, cabreao...". You save a letter, gain a laugh and everybody will turn their head to look at you and what the hell u´re say´n. An outright way to get attention from others ;-) Cheers!
Ok, impressive pics, Chain. You've made me remember such good times there! Some time ago a friend of mine showed me both "vereda alta" and "del medio", and the past year I participated in the bike review marathon, which passed through both of them. They are awesome, no matter if you ride them upwards or in our loved way down! :saltarin
Would you like to test Chain´s adquired skills on the Veredas?. Mario, we need you to be the 4th guy in pink to let the forum know if he is able to do his own stunts. ;-) Will you? Cheers!
What's up?? My CAlifornicator lad is out of radar isn't it? Inter, you're making fun of me or what? square go, c'mon maaaaaaaann!! wanna me smack yous face or whaaaaaat? My spanish is bizarre for either natives or not, i'm getting used to it just day by day.... not only do i use uncommon words but i also speak under my breath and mispronouncing a billion sounds so most of the time no one can really understand what i'm saying... RAther disappointing if not annoyed as a result, but hey, it's my own mistake so i carry the can Cheers!!
I´m afraid Chain´s not out of radar coverage but trying to deseperately translate your funny spanish-cockney into some understandable english!!! "Cuando uno va chungo estirar a patica 4 parriba y 4 pabajo. No he tenio tiempo cansiiiino que la pre la hice anteayer, Cagoentodo primoh !! aprendo un montonazo me ayuda un huevo mi gutta, voy con mis papas en modo Paquirrin menudo sobazo nos pegaron los polacos el 1,5km final se me hizo pelota y el tiempo algo basuro 37:28 La idea se nos va pronto al pijo y todos a fin d ecuentas a ritmo chunda chunda calambres y divertido a cascoporro, pican las patas eh? pican?! XD 10 hombres de culo apretao ala a ponerse guapos. Y bajar mamaos ewooks. Menuda chapa. " LOL. ;-) ;-) ;-) Cool!
Howay lads, divvent taak a lurd o shite. When I gan yame I taak like this like.
haven't gone anywhere, am right here, unfortunately not fornicating, ha ha Love it there! Yeah, yeah, I've translated the above... When you're fucked up you're just gonna kick the bucket eight feet under. I aint had time for shit I'm so tired that I did the 'pre??' the day before yesterday, fuck dude !! I'm learning loads my 'gutta???' is helping me a shitload, I'm going with my mum and dad like a bullfighter those Polish guys really messed around with us the last 1.5 km 'se me hizo pelota'??? and my time was crap 37.28 the idea is getting away like a rich kid??? and in the end a plodding pace shitloads of cramps and fun, our feet hurt, yeah? Itch? XD 10 men squeezing their asses trying to be good-looking. And get off cocksucking ewooks???? Long-winded crap. Eegggghhhh, that was really tough, had to guess stuff
nice try chain! but 'twas helluva tough, you didn't have any background and context to help you. let's see later it la Ducha de los alemanes rideable? i didn't know that Geordie Shore!! tho' tough for a Mackem let's reckon!
Jeez, Geordie Shore, cant believe some of my students actually watch that shite. Makes me feel very proud of the area - not. Actually, the people in that picture have more clothes on than typical Geordies, if you go out in the North-east of England it's like the girls have forgotten to get dressed. (even in the winter, when it's 0c and snowing!) Anyway, Chainring, that looks a nice trail, why is it called Ducha de los Alemanes? Nothing to do with golden showers I hope.
I suppose because of this waterfall and because there were Germans around there. When it's hot in the summer I bet it's a good place to take a dip.
Nice photos! Fair weather, so that there were 7 of us at the start line for our Friday´s road bike day! Jorge´s great job on translation is 100% accurate and sounds really funny in spanish... Awesome Chain´s translation I´ve to say! So accurate, giving the fact he didn´t know the context of those funny words!. Anyway, it´s so hilarious to see how he strives to use logic in translating some "Jorge´s DIY vocabulary" such as "mi gutta, mi gutta" (= a 2 yo toddler expression! meaning "me gusta, me gusta") that God, I´m still in stitches!!! Cool! But in fact, it was hard task for non native people!
According to Wikipedia, back to the pioneer alpinism days, many of the alpinists getting there used to take a shower at that waterfall, and many of them were german... Easy to name, isn´t it? ;-) Cheers!
aaaaaw!! i was thinking that is was repossesed by Germany from the Spanish government, somehow as a paying in advance or something regarding the bail out or so.... XD .... there are also few other naughty theories on the matter, don't you get there on your own if you want to keep a tight ar*? or whatever
Hmmm, guess I was way off base at times, but educational, man you're Professor Slang, you probably have a Ph.D in it and haven't told us. This is the first news I've had of Geordie Shore. Really interesting the way they speak, a shame they delete swear words. If any of my students are heading that way I'll recommend they listen to it so they can hear authentic Geordie talk. Actually one of my student's going to Liverpool, anything like this for there? Yep, Ducha rocks! But we went on Sunday morning tho so there were quite a few of hikers so we had to stop a lot, don't want to piss them off! Another picture of Ducha