Let's talk about biking in English

Tema en 'Foreign Bikers' iniciado por chainring, 7 Ene 2011.

  1. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Ops!. You´re beaking your chain everyother ride man, kinda sounds like if your chain wanted to play a trick on you. Since human legs ( tho yours are built with a propeller design in mind!) aren´t powerful enough to make this happen, all the odds are in your favor to take something else but the bad luck out on. Could be lot of simple unexpensive things, a defective chain, inadequate lubrication (not lack of), meaning the oil/grease not being capable of penetrating the ring which leads to a weak point in your chain, incompatibility of the chain with some transmission parts, not-so-well adjusted elements, kinda friction forced transmission, tight adjustement, and so on. No suspicious sounds coming from your chain I guess, but if it´s not new i´d start with replace it. We all Know how a pain in the neck it is when your chain breaks this frenquently.

    As for Alcalá, we shouldn´t wait just for a sunny day, but for the mud to disappear ;-) Things are not actually looking that good...
    Última edición: 30 Abr 2013
  2. jorgt

    jorgt Corre Conejo correee!!

    28 Feb 2007
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    chain did came into a black cat or what??

    Bad news, Alcala is pretty muddy for 2morrow. I'll miss you from the very bottom of my heart my sweet boys. :( So let's wait and save our odds for another day!
  3. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    So, tomorrow´s ride in Alcalá is definitely called off.

    Yeah Chain, Jorge´s right again. Get quit of that black cat before you attempt any maintenance work, otherwise your chain and your arse will be at the centre of things again ;-).
  4. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
    Yeah, looks like we have to call off tomorrow's ride in Alcalá. Actually I'm disappointed because I was going to dust off my XC bike and show Jorge a thing or two, you know, really put him in his place, ha ha ha. Actually I was just hoping not to slow him down too much.

    In any case, my idea was to push hard on Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, and take it easy on Thursday and Saturday, but looks like the weather has thrown a spanner into the works. Well, I'll just play things by ear. Friday, of course, is road biking day, and Sunday is Sierra/enduro day. Inter, you around for our Friday ride?
  5. Mario Scale Buzz

    Mario Scale Buzz Barreiros

    12 Abr 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Alcalá de Henares
    It's sad not to enjoy your visit, David. Now that I already go out of my trainer! Weather may think I might as well come back :banghead:
  6. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
    Yeah, too bad Inter and I can't make it. Well, we can reschedule, and maybe meet you in person! : )

    What? You mean you thought you were off your home trainer, but no luck. Winter's back! and you're pedaling indoors I suppose.
  7. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Yeah, set on stone! I´m in town. I´ll pm you the day before not to forget it. The weather is getting better!

    In fact I need Mario by my side when we finaly ride in Alcala. I´m confident his pace is not above Jorge´s 180Kmts/h... ;-)

    Wow, Rod´s music and CdC sounds like a great plan. Hope you enjoyed it while it lasted! :amo
  8. Mario Scale Buzz

    Mario Scale Buzz Barreiros

    12 Abr 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Alcalá de Henares
    I'm afraid your right... Tomorrow I'll be unpacking my home trainer again :crybaby.

    Anyway this won't last for ever, so for sure we'll meet someday, no matter if it's in Alcalá or El Pardo

    You can assure that, Inter. My performance is far faaaaaar away from Jorge's.
  9. Sr.Audio

    Sr.Audio Miembro Reconocido

    5 Ago 2008
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Let's feel close to Shakespeare and use english as language for answering here! Surely I'll step on grammar and make some terrible mistakes, but feeling comfortable if doing it among friends.

    Like RoberMF I did not read whole thread, but hope also that after his "faceplanted" landing, Chain is recovering very soon.

    And the right path for safety always start with the BRAIN... Think before act. And of course, sleep well before act :)!!
  10. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
    I'd be happy to show you around El Pardo sometime, but the best time is winter or after substantial rain because there's better traction. In the summer there's tends to be sand and loose dirt, and that means less traction, danger... and thrills, ha ha.

    Sr. Audio, good nick! ha ha. And welcome to this corner of the forum! I really enjoy listening to music myself, tho not while on my bike, prefer to hear the wheels rolling and the birds chirping and the gears grinding, ha ha.

    That's good advice you give, I always do my best to keep my brain connected, tho to be honest, can't say I always manage it, but hey, I do what I can.

    My current injury is a minor fall last Sunday in El Pardo. I had loads of protection on so it's surprising I was hurt at all. I basically fell on my butt, and it hurt, so it was a real pain in the ass, har har har.

    Speaking of faceplants, have you seen this picture that's been going around? Ouch!

    face plant.jpg

    P.S. Don't worry about your mistakes, that's how your learn! (like the guy in the picture, ha ha)
  11. Sr.Audio

    Sr.Audio Miembro Reconocido

    5 Ago 2008
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Hello and good morning...

    Friday has reached us, finally. If nothing strange and unexpected happen, today around 18.00 I'll be riding my bike though Collserola's Park, "the mountain in Barcelona for bikers". As per your explanations I think I ride a little... How can I say... "softer" than you, guys!

    Anyway I ride for happiness & sport, so close to you, sure :)

    I like you like my nick. It is the beggining of word "Audiophile". Something easy to understeand if you see my stereo equipment ;)

    And, before leaving home for going work.. WAO! What a picture! Does it been shutted by a friend or by the enemy? (if I see my friend falling probably I do not pull the shutter?)
    Última edición: 4 May 2013
  12. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
    I'm an audiophile myself, but don't have a sound system on steroids :banda

    So did you have a nice ride today? Hey, send us a pic sometime of Collserola, haven't been anywhere near it. In fact, I pretty much stay in the Madrid area except in August when we go to Galicia. In any case, today I went about 100 km on my road bike, made a stop in the Sierras, La Pedriza to be exact, that's me in the pic.

    Once I was photographing a friend going through a technical section when things went horribly wrong. There really wasn't a thing I could do to help him so I kept the camera up and photographed it. I think it's one of his most memorable photos now, ha ha. He was OK by the way, finished the ride. Funnily enough, shortly afterwards I wiped out. Thanks to my elbow pads I didn't break my arm. A good day, that was...

  13. Sr.Audio

    Sr.Audio Miembro Reconocido

    5 Ago 2008
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Good morning!

    You put me on a trouble. No pictures available of Collserola nowadays :(

    I love photography but I do not use to stop and make pictures on the way. The few I have are made by my fellows and there's always the people involved on the ride this day... And always stopped!! No action pictures like yours...

    I make the promise to show you any reasonable view of Collserola asap :)

    Yesterday I did not ride (ohh!) for several reasons and now I'm going to do a short rountrip of 30 km before my wife comes from work today. No promises but if I see anything lovely enough to show on picture, you will see...
  14. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Hey Mr.Audio! Is that you in the avatar!? ;-)
    C´mon, don´t be lazy. Taking photos is this easy. You ride to Collserola, you take your cell phone out of your pocket and you shoot a photo. The whole process doesn´t take you more than 5 seconds ;-) Show us & Show off !!!Then keep evidences of your rides!!!. Chain´s pic of La Pedriza in Madrid (One of the largest granitic ranges of Europe) kinda reminds me of Montserrat in Barcelona. ;-)

    My three last photos were taken in Casa de Campo CdC, one of our urban city-forest in Madrid:

    result1.jpg result2.jpg result3.jpg

    Looking forward to yours!

  15. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
    Guess what? Tomorrow I'm going to Alcalá with the enduro crowd. Maybe I'll get some pictures to show for it. Last time no one was using their camera, and like you say, taking pictures is fun and easy!, tho it does mean stopping when maybe you'd rather be pedaling. Also, maybe I'll see some of our friends from Las Mañanas Complutenses. This time I'm going to take my enduro bike!

    So you went to the Casa de Campo, did you? It's been really clear lately, you can see the Four Towers easily. Nice pics!

    BTW, I found that picture I took a while back of my friend wiping out. Hope he doesn't mind me putting it here.


    Última edición: 6 May 2013
  16. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Yeah, I did go to the CdC for a quick ride. It´s a pity we have to reduce our photos by up to 80% since full-size original images are too large to post in here. Sometimes you come away with images that really take our breath away. In fact, we use to ride our bikes through astonishing sceneries which worth a photo or two.

    That´s good timing, Chain!. You captured the precise moment of Pedro learning and paving his way for future enduro success!. Well, we all learn by making mistakes. I´m sure It hasn´t been the most ecstatic moment of Pedro´s life to date, but it is without doubt one of those he would like to (and can!) keep thanks to you!

    LOL. You will eventually become a guide to mountain biking in Alcalá!. Who was talking about photos? Now we are expecting some of you being caught in the action in Alcalá like that of Pedro in the Sierras... (or getting away with it!) ;-)

    Última edición: 5 May 2013
  17. Mario Scale Buzz

    Mario Scale Buzz Barreiros

    12 Abr 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Alcalá de Henares
    So in the end you'll go for a ride to Alcalá! I'm glad to hear that, but I'm far away right now, sniff. This weekend I've travelled to what would be my second home for this summer, Cantabria. And I've been lucky enough to manage a borrowed bike for yesterday so, with a last minute call I succeeded in arranging a meeting with a pair of friends. My intention was to circle completely a little mount close to Santander, the one called Peña Cabarga, and finally climb it (not a high mount but a really steep one). So we did, but just at the beginning we had an injured biker, his knee hurt, so after climbing our first wall he preferred to leave so to avoid a stronger injury.

    In the end, Don Quijote & Sancho Panza (the two survivors) achieved our goal.


    This was my borrowed bike:


    The views from half the climb:


    And our final destination:



    To Sum up, 50 kms and 1000 ish m climbed, not a bad route for someone coming back to real mountainbiking, is it?
    Última edición: 5 May 2013
  18. Sr.Audio

    Sr.Audio Miembro Reconocido

    5 Ago 2008
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Yes it is a Self-Portrait :)

    Yeah, it is easy to make pictures with a cellphone. I can't discuss that.

    The matter is, in fact, I've been working as a photographer for 3 years and a half... May sound strange but I got tired from making pictures after this period... And the most of the time I only want to do pictures if they are perfects...

    But I always take the challenges (well, only if I can win), so yesterday I take out from the pocket my cellphone :)...
  19. Sr.Audio

    Sr.Audio Miembro Reconocido

    5 Ago 2008
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Here goes my explanation about my journey from Saturday

    Barcelona has a large park called Collserola, surrounded by almost 3 million people (the 2nd largest park in Europe after Bois de Bologne in France) and nowadays there´s a project to build a large promenade surrounding the city, of almost 70 km when finished, linking several cities of the Metropolitan Area.

    This project is called "Ronda Verda" and looks like this


    Three meters wide, no technical skills required for riding on a bike, walking with your family or running. Probably it is a good idea but on it's construction many little (and charming) paths are disappearing. I got the idea of make it complete in one shot when finished, any summer's night...
  20. Sr.Audio

    Sr.Audio Miembro Reconocido

    5 Ago 2008
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    But, as many of us, I have my own idea of how must be the "perfect path" for riding


    And it must look like this :) sneaking among the forest, not too thick, not too narrow, not too technical, not too slow...

    This picture is made in the way from "Explanada de Vista Rica" (very close to Tibidabo) to the Can Sert Fountain. For reaching this point you come across the rests of the primitive Barcelona's Casino, builded around 1910 and completely forgotten and deconstructed around 1940.

    Future info and pictures will come.

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