Yeah, those doodads are really overpriced, I mean the profit margin must be huge. That reminds me of stories of the (U.S.) military paying absurd prices, like $500 for a screw. I could just about see it happen. BTW I made a mistake, the seal cost me 38 euros, not 36. Hmmm, so where's Red hiding these days? Come out, come out, wherever you are. Here's another picture from last Sunday. You can see how green it was in the mountains, even under the trees. Really nice. Whevever all this rain stops and things dry out a bit, I'll be back!
As long as Red´s mystery remains, there will be speculation. Is she in the click or something? Did Red turned Green to camouflage with the background on Chain´s photo? If so, she´s still with us but we´ll need a magnifier to see her ;-) Risk of showers for the next 5 days. Looking on the bright side, tomorrow there´ll be just 4 left :neutral:
The rain in spain falls mainly on the plain. Does it bollocks, it rains everywhere. Rain rain, go away, come back another day. (please). Nice road ride today, in the rain, please summer come soon.
Bad weather everywhere around the Bull's Leather map, I'm afraid... We've cancelled the turnaround today by rain. Directly from the Meeting Point to the Closer Bar... Yeah, sure you know what I mean. Tomorrow we'll give another try to the weather ... Hope next week goes better, because I've a appointment from several months ago, arranged.... and rain won't sop me but sure will make me suffer a lot!! Is one of those races you just ask for not to get muddy...
I've been lucky and haven't been caught in the rain lately, but I've been off my bike too, haven't ridden at all this week, tho I have gone jogging twice. In any case, there's a chance of rain tomorrow but I'm going to head to the Casa de Campo anyway and visit a friend of mine, Rod. BTW, I got caught in the rain about two months ago on my road bike and got soaked to the bone. Really uncomfortable. The photo you sent is nice! Maybe you rode across that bridge. Looks nice, really pretty. Good luck with your get-together! I'm totally unfamiliar with that area, but hope you enjoy your ride and don't get wet or muddy. Afterwards you can let us know how it went, and maybe even show us a picture or two. BTW, during last Sunday's ride we ran across a snake, almost ran it over too, ha ha. It was peculiar because it didn't try to crawl away, just stayed in the middle of the trail while we took some pictures. Have to be careful when you're out in the wilderness, there are a lot of snakes about in the spring. P.S. Those of you with sharp eyes may notice that I'm not in the picture, think I was the one keeping the most distance from the snake.
Ops! I have not receive any email from Wade since he sold his bike. I guess he is in vacation in Switzerland right now or somewhere in cental Europe before he returns to the States. When he is once at home he will be able to post in here, Won´t you Wade?! ;-) Btw U know where in the States he is from? Did you notice any accent when he talked? Ey, you seem so happy to see no rain while entering the CDC!!! You really had a craving for it!
Yeah, I look like, 'I can't fuckin believe, it's not raining and I'm going for a ride!' Wade told me where he was from but now I don't remember clearly. He said two states, I'm pretty sure one was Missouri (Saint Louis). Actually I don't remember any accent, which is funny cos he should have one. BTW, Rod has a friend visiting him from the States who, incidentally, is from Missouri, and I definitely hear an accent when he speaks, actually it's really nice.
St. Louis is the second most dangerous city in the States with Detroit being second to none (none, none) on the top of the list. Police warn to visit it at your own risk! Anyway, as you say, you´ll be murdered, raped, robbed or assaulted in a nice stylish accent ;-) Just joking but according to the violent crime rates, the 10 most dangerous US cities, those in which you have to never leave your bike unattended, unlocked, etc... for more than .5 seconds are Detroit, St. Louis, Oakland, Memphis, Birmingham, Atlanta, Baltimore, Stockton, Cleveland and Buffalo... Time for Wade to defend his city from discredits ;-)
DOMINGO 26 MAYO de 2013 21ª CABRERÈSBTT Salida abierta: de las 7.00h a las 9.00h Lugar: Village CabrerèsBTT (zona deportiva) Precio: 29 Precio FEDERADO: 28 Recogida de DORSAL: 25/26 de mayo Recorrido largo: 60 km aprox. Recorrido corto: 42 km aprox. Límite de inscritos: 3.000 What race are you in? Will you attend the long one or the 42 kilometer race? Nice! Do you ride on your own or with a group?
Mostly on my own, they are mostly surfers round here. Have the odd guiri ride with the Brits near San Sebastian. (next weekend in fact)
Violent crime is obviously frightening, but even more so in the States where guns are ubiquitous. The stakes are high, imagine someone wants to rob you or break into your home, they better make sure the safety is off on their gun because you, the potential victim, may well be armed yourself. You could end up in a shoot out istolas That's just a lot less likely here in Spain where regular guys like you and me are very unlikely to be carrying around a concealed weapon. Of course the pro-gun crowd think you're safer if you have a gun you can use to protect yourself. When I log on to facebook and check in with friends and family from the States, it often surprises me how ferverntly pro-gun some people are. Guns are practically sacred for them. Getting back to our mutual hobby, I'm finding out how hard it is to find fork oil. I've been looking at motorcycle shops because forks for motorbikes and bikes are the same, well obviously much more heavy duty for a motorcycle. In any case, you can use the same oil and it costs about half as much as in a bicycle shop. But a lot of motorcycle shops don't carry it, or they don't have SAE 10, the one I need. On a happier note, looks like the weather forecast may, at last, be looking up. We'll have to start thinking of a time to reschedule our aborted ride in Alalá. I suppose you could use this very forum to find other people to ride with, I always hear cycling is big over there in Basque Country.
Ey! That´s why you refused to get along with Jorge in Alcalá. It was not chorizo but your anti-socialism!!! ;-) Sometimes it is mother nature carrying a gun, Chain. Our hearts and prayers go out to the victims and families in Oklahoma. They saw cars and houses in the air. With winds up to 300 km per hour almost everything in that devastating tornado´s paht has torn to splinters. The death toll updated to 91 but likely to rise as many are still missing.
Your absolutely right. We are sometimes said to need specific cycling stuff when it´s just standard goods that we can purchase elsewhere at a lower price. It looks like get a decal, stick it, look the business and double the price... kinda sucks but that´s how things go.
i promise to update my reading, i'm too hurried these days and the thread is getting hot let's see what i can do
Don't worry Jorge, just drop in whenever you can. Yeah, looks like it was very nasty. When Mother Nature gets pissed off, look out! Can be disastrous. But as you said, best wishes for the victims. Well, I'm gonna look for you, and and when you go for a bike ride, I'm gonna follow you around everywhere, ha ha.
Alalé? Alalí? Alalá? ;-) Yeah, last week we took a raincheck (eh! that´s a pun!) and now it is time to coordinate our schedules along with Miss Rain´s -you know the crush she has on us- for this ride!
All I can say to Mackem is that he's pretty much a shy guy for he didn't feel like to relief himself outdoors that day , moreover when mother nature was so ready to host him behind the shrubbery. If you lads ever come to Alcala -after having got rid of that weather curse and all, I mean- you'll have to cope with the oh so grown up sequoya like thistles and their damned piercing thorns, so Kevlar gloves would be mandatory.