Yes. It's not that far from my hotel so I can meet you there. What time? You have place for two bikes? I have my mtb shoes, helmet, gloves and camelback. Do I need something else? Do we stop to eat somewhere or we bring our own snack? Where can I buy some energy bars? Sorry for all the questions! I should have the green Specialized Epic (that's the only one they were willing to rent but that should be good enough I hope). It's 2h30 in the morning and I'm just back from work. I hope I'll be able to get some sleep for Saturday. gonzo, thanks for all the help. if I'm not to dead I may be interested to see your concert. I'm quite a heavy metal fan myself with over 2000 CDs. I don't know where's the venue though. Sylvain
wow!!!! pepetin it´s going to the concert also. Get together you both to the concert, I think he knows where it is (so so) Hey! If I know manny, buy som energy bars o carry some sandwichs or something. You can buy it all in any supermarket, department store o where ever have a great time you bastards, I´ll be carrying some amps, drums and guitars up & down all day
Hi Sylvain. First i'm sorry for my english, i don't practice it a long time ago. Tomorrow you've got a place in my car waiting for u and your fantastic test bike (we call this kind of bikes "pepino" in spanish). Pepetin will get you in santa justa and we'll meet at decathlon at 7.30 :wink:
Hi, don´t worry for the place in my car. We have to be in decathon at 7.30 so I wait you at 7.15 in the place I said to you. I don´t know if you can buy some thing so if you can to bring some for eat, snack... ,Many, the guide, says that we arrive car at 17.00 more or less. I´ll bring for eat a snack, fruit and a sanwich, for buy snack ask in a supermarket (MAS, mercadona, supersol... or el corte ingles) if you need some thing more technician ask in the bike shop (human cycle is near of santa justa) un saludo pepetin.
Thanks guys. I'm going to work soon and will get the bike after and also get something to eat. See you tomorrow morning! Sylvain
Hi Pepetin, How are you? I hope we'll be able to ride in better conditions again! I have just replied in the other thread about the ride. Thanks to you and Gonzo to have helped me getting the bike and being part of the Hispabikers ride! See you and take care! Sylvain