Tiene una pinta de escándalo y si funciona como el resto de las nuevas Rock Shox se va a comer el mercado si mantienen los precios competitivos. Ahora la decoración deja un poco que desear, pelín sosa y fea, nada que no se arregle con unas pegatinas que te hagas.
esas horquillas parece que lo tienen todo para nuestras Enduro LT: - eje maxel - anclajes Post-Mount - recorrido variable (115-160?) espero que además las hagan ligeras... alguien sabe el diámetro de las barras?
pues sí, tienen pinta de ser la caña.... pero creo que llevan más recorrido, 170... para mi lo mejor es el cierre rápido del eje de RS...
Lo copio de aqui: http://www.dropmachine.com/Feature/p2_articleid/101 RockShox 07 Preview :: The LyriK Moab is a pretty crazy place. THe diversity of the terrain is really only further detailed by its starkness. There are rocks everywhere, in every shape and size you can think of. You can go from fields of slickrock, to DH runs of nasty sharp rocks, to boulders, to superfine drivetrain destroying dust. Today, we did a big slickrock ride in the morning riding custom Santa Cruz Nomads with the new Lyrik fork. To be blunt, its freaking awesome. We did a fairly sizable loop, encountering all kinds of obstacles, from dirty steep climbs, to cruising singletrack, to fairly gnarly steep decents. Ok, everyone wants to know about the forks, so enough with the scenic bullshit, lets get to it. The Lyrik is RockShox's foray into the long travel single crown world. But what about the Pike, you ask. Well, the Pike is essentially a long travel trail fork. THis is their "all Mountain" fork. I know, splitting hairs and adding titles, but its all got a point. The Lyrik comes as a 6 inch, do it all kind of fork. Equipped with RockShox's freaking sweet Misson Control damping system, it offers (ready?) adjustable high speed compression, low speed compression, a floodgate for essentially locking out the fork, a floodgate control to control where the blowoff for the floodgate is released, rebound control, and of course, air pressure. It can also probably make a kickass apple pie. completely new, and feature some cool bits themselves. There is a small "bulge" about halfway down each leg, in which sits a new, bigger and thicker inner bushing. This allows RockShox to put in much stronger bushings, which should resist wear and stretching much better then previous forks. The forks also feature the brilliant Maxle system, updated to the Maxle 360 now. The 360 allows you to put the QR handles anywhere you want, rather then the old system that only gave you two options. Its sweet, and brilliant. The forks have also gone to post mount for the brake, to better meld with the Avid stuff they offer. The crowns are huge and beefy and, (ready for this?) are available in a 1.5 option if you really want it. Currently, the 1.5 option will only be available for the coil option, but RockShox is listening, and if the market wants it for the other two models, it'll happen. Right, the models. The Lyrik will come in 3 flavors. There is the U-Turn coil sprung version, which is the cheapest of the bunch. Featuring 115-160mm of travel, the U-Turn is claimed to come in at 5.73 pounds. Also something damn fine to mention is the amount of metal in the internals. No more plastic bits, except in places that are not stress-critical. The parts that need to be strong are aluminum, and they are beautifully made. Something to note about the weights listed. RockShox now lists thier weights with a FULL LENGTH steertube, and the axle included. This means the weights should be much closer to reality. GUess we'll see when mine shows up. The next in line is the Lyrik Solo air. While this is the middle fork, its also the one with the least adjustments. It has all the mission control bits (high and low speed compression, rebount, floodgate and gate control) but no travel adjust. Its at 160, and thats it. You CAN change the travel internally though, by swapping around the all-travel spacers that RockShox owners are so familiar with. The crown jewel is the 2-step. No, not the Balfa bike of old. This one is brilliant. Basically, it shares all the features of the other forks, with the Mission Control damping, but has a new trick with the travel adjust. Instead of twisting the damn U-Turn knob for months like a demented nipple tweaker, you have a knob on the lot of the right leg. You turn it to max, you get 160mm. You turn it to min, you get 115. Simple, brilliant, and effective. Similar to everybody else, the Lyrik requires you to push the fork down to engage the low travel setting. Thankfully, you can flip the switch a bit before you get to your climb, and each successive hit will push the fork down more and more, until it reaches its 115 travel mark. The fork remains active with that last 115mm of travel, and all your compression and rebound settings still apply. Once you get to the top, flcik it back, and the fork will come back up. It won't pop up immediately, like the Marzocchi ETA system, but it comes up eventually, and thats pretty damn good. The way it works is pretty ingenious too. Basically, its a liquid all travel system. Instead of putting spacers in the fork, and swapping them from the top to bottom to change the travel, its all done with oil. Flip it one way, the oil stays at the bottom of the damper, and you get full travel. The other way, and the oil goes to the top of the fork through seperate circuits, and you get the min travel. Its friggen brilliant, and it works. Explaining how the damper works is complicated, and my brain needs sleep. Really all you have to know is this: the fork is silly smooth, its plush, stout, stiff, adjustable as a lego sextoy, and it WORKS. Its difficult to really judge the fork honestly however, as we were on demo bikes, in terrain that wasn't home. However, the fork had no problems with the hits in Moab, climbed well without bobbing, and all the adjustments did thier thing. We were also on pre-production forks, and minor tweaks will come out in the production models. I can say that this is one hell of a fork for RockShox, and its gonna be damn popular. The combination of adjustability, beautiful action and quality construction means Rock Shox is back, and kicking ass. I don't have the pricing on the fork yet, but hopefully that will come soon. Its not going to be a typically cheap fork, as this really ins't a budget model at all. The machined internals, new damper and all the new lovely tech bits cost money, and it deserves to carry the price raise from the previous models. I have been assured that they are going to be priced very competitively, so keep your fingers crossed. KNowing RockShox, it'll be at least fair, and more then likely decent. So there it is.
Umm competencia competencia, jajaja, le hacía falta una horquilla así a RS...Eso tiene que tragarse las piedras como si fueran mantequilla.
La verdad es q tiene un pinta bestial. Habra q ver el preco definitivo, pero como dicen si teine el tacto y resultados de las actuales RS a un precio competitivo triunfara. Y el Maxel es el futuro sin duda.
hombre, dan un peso de 2,6kg para la de muelle pero al menos dice que ya dan el peso con el tubo de dirección sin cortar y el eje maxel incluido. a ver cuanto pesan las de aire pero como esten por debajo de las Fox 36, se van a vender como churros además barras de 35mm es la mejor opción para no aumentar el peso aunque dan un recorrido de 6" (152,4mm) me inclino a que será 160mm si os fijais en las marcas en las barras, van de 15 en 15mm: 115-130-145-160mm menuda pinta...
Madre mia, vaya bicho de horquilla. Y se supone que las enduro la llevaran ? ¿ enduro ? por que con esos recorridos y esas barras bien podria ser una horquilla de free/dh sin problemas. Al final vamos a acabar con nuestras bicis de rally con 200mm atras y alante, cada año mas recorrido. Segun he podido leer de barata no tendra nada, rondaran en torno a los 1000$ que es muuuuucha pasta. Lo que no me gusta nada de la nueva gama de RS son los coleres, me parecen horribles al igual que sus dibujos. A las demas, Totem y Domain les pasa igual. Por cierto, la Totem lleva barra de 40mm en simple pletina con hasta 203mm de recorrido. Madre mia. Mas info AQUÍ
Hombre, yo las veo más para las Enduro LT (nomad, Ransom, Ibis,...) pero yo diría que 160mm ya es el límite para ese uso