¿Sois bikers verdaderos?

Tema en 'General' iniciado por >Alberto>, 17 Sep 2005.

  1. >Alberto>

    >Alberto> Miembro

    25 Jul 2005
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Over the hills and far away
    Hace muuucho tiempo publiqué este mismo post en solomountainbike.com (¿queda alguien por ahí? :bye ). Hoy me he encontrado el texto en un rincón del disco duro, está en inglés y es largo, pero vale la pena

    You are a mountain biker when you reach deep into the sport and grab something alive, something that kicks and screams and laughs and squirms. Here’s how: Jump something higher than your knee * Take a day off work and ride 9 to 5 * Stop for sex during a ride * Bust a collarbone * Begin a ride at 2 a.m. * Get your mother on a bike * Drop out of a race * Learn to true a wheel * Nap beneath a trailside tree * Follow a rabbit’s line * Descend something you couldn’t walk * Climb something you couldn’t descend * Shake Ned Overend’s hand * Name your own private trail, and years later realize that that name became the name * Have a hot shower at the Pedro’s festival * Ride a 24-hour race * Ride with someone who invented the mountain bike * Break a frame * Take the biggest trip of your life just to ride your mountain bike * Climb Mt. Tam, then breeze past Repack because the swoopy speed of the new B-52 singletrack is a way better high than a dirt-road nostalgia trip * Pass an animal that’s trying to outrun you on a singletrack * Have grit buried so deeply in a wound someone else must scrub it out for you while you scream * Land an accidental jump longer than 20 feet * Smell like wildflowers instead of sweat when you get home from a ride * Find the perfect climbing song * Wade through chin-high water with your bike held above your head * Ride by something that could kill you- a croc, a poisonous plant , a hopped-up dealer on a street corner * Win a race * Scam something free from a company * Scratch your new car with your bike, and look at the bike first * Recover from an accidental nose wheelie in front of a crowd * Ride an illegal trail * Do $200 worth of damage trying to repair a $10 part * Fry yourself way off the back in a cyclocross race * See Bob Seals in a Speedo * Understand why Leigh Donovan is cooler then Missy Giove * Flat at 45 mph in a dirt road * Miss an important meeting because you didn’t want a ride to end * Finish a great ride with almost-as-good home-brew or homegrown * Think seriously that if you’d just started earlier or trained better you could’ve been a pro * Realize you’re wrong about that pro thing * Fix a broken component with a zip-tie instead of buying a new part * Ride better than someone you consider great * Say "screw it" and crank up a scary credit card balance on your dream bike, even though your job ends next month * Write 500 times in a notebook: I don’t ride a mountain bike because I’m a mountain biker. I’m a mountain biker because I ride a mountain bike * Customize your treads with a razor * Break a bone * "Adopt" a different pro racer each year. Follow his or her career during the season. Get dangerously close to being a stalker * Bonk hard at least once * Skip your usual Saturday morning ride and go our to breakfast with family or friends * Save a trail from erosion * Spend an hour searching for a dropped screw * Begin the hardest ride of your life with a hangover * Race the Kamikaze * Take your dog on a ride * Stay in the sport long enough to fondly recall simpler equipment * Have a great stolen * Ride Moab’s Slickrock Trail * Hide a trail from your friends * Whenever you see a phone number in a bike magazine, call it and ask for free stickers. Use ‘em to wallpaper your bathroom * Share your water, food and spare tubes * Take a vacation without your bike * Ride a Critical Mass * Go to the beach, take off your shirt, look like a dipshit with a farmer’s tan * Ride slicks in the mud * Finally learn to do that flip turn and enjoy switchbacks * Own at least one neon Lycra jersey that you’ll be ashamed of in years to come * Be a messenger * Ride in the traffic deck of the Brooklyn Bridge *Take apart and successfully reassemble a Shimano rear derailleur * Recite Shakespeare’s "Once more into the breach, my friends…" speech from Henry V during long climbs * Justify a $5,000 bike to a homeless person * Ride so hard you hurl * Buy something you later think is dumb, then sell it to a "friend" for more than you paid for it * Join IMBA * Lay your bike down at 35 mph and walk away unscathed * Ride a World Cup Downhill course * Get lost on a ride and sleep on the trail * Get old, fat and slow * Learn how to ride fast on a rigid bike * Cry your eyes out at the Modonna de Gisallo * Read a Rock Shox owner’s manual * Flip over a handlebar * Ride a downhill wheelchair * Stop eating corn dogs before rides * Take your road bike on singletrack * Drive into the garage with bikes on the roof rack * Sleep with your bike- at least once * Ride by moonlight * Have your spouse ask what you were dreaming about because your hands kept "braking" in your sleep * Go on a ride to make up with your significant other * Catch poison ivy so bad that you need a shot * Honestly say that one of the five best days of your life involved riding * Realize that no bike in the world can make you better * Go mountain biking where there are no mountains * Buy an expensive tool you can't use * Ride where humans are not dominant- a jungle, a rain-forest, a veldt * Stop during a race and help someone with a mechanical * Spend at least a weekend at a mountain bike festival * Philosophize with Bob Roll * Walk more than a mike with a flat tire because you forgot your pump * Ride every day for a month * Explain the difference between Shimano HG and IG * Do trail work instead of a ride on a beautiful summer day * Finish ride in weather so bad no one else even started * ride singletrack on an off-road tandem * Descend 6,000 feet in one day * Climb 4,000 feet in one day * Ride a NORBA or World Cup course * Turn on five friends to mountain biking * Fix a broken anything on your bike or body with night falling, no one else around and the wrong tools * Ride Mount Snow’s Naked Crit * Get in an argument with your mate because you ride too much * Build a perfect berm * Balance at a standstill long enough to make people notice * Do a weeklong off-road tour-and don’t shower the entire time * Enter a trials competition * Go to a World Championship * Get your chain sucked * Ride the first trail you ever mountain biked- and if possible take your first bike * Get a case of giardia * Feel invincible * Feel miserable * Walk your favorite trail * Walk your favorite trail, get buzzed by mountain bikers and notice how quickly a temporary hatred flares * Go riding when there’s a foot of snow on the ground * Wean yourself from purple-anodized parts * Suckle from another rider’s CamelBak when you run out of water * Get fast * Remember a few lines from a great poem atop a high mountain * Stick the big ring inches in your calf * Eat breakfast a the Bakery Café * Go at least a week without driving your car * Jump from high cliffs into a swimming hole during a rest break * Float through a chest-high field of wildflowers when the sun is bright but not steaming * Get lost * Come from way behind after a terrible start to pass your friends near the end of a race * Learn to build a wheel * Find a mojo on the trail * Reach the summit of a climb just as the sun rises or sets * Learn to ride over one-inch logs without touching your chainrings * Be so afraid if doing something on a trail that you cry * Soothe your body in a natural hot spring * Try disk brakes * Learn to pee while you ride * Pull a tick off your body * Do a group ride while dinging "Climb Ev’ry Mountain’ in ensemble * Ride naked in the middle if the night, in the middle of nowhere * Stop inches from a fatal drop-off * Come to the realization that you’ve wasted far too much time on a bike , but that you’ve learned too much to turn back now.

  2. dirtyjim

    dirtyjim Nihilista

    17 Jun 2004
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Muy muy bueno.

    Más allá de si montas una rígida, una doble, una ss, una bmx... Todos somos bikers, y la experiencia es muy parecida para todos, si de verdad montas.

    Me ha recordado mil historias y me he sentido identificado con un montón de puntos... seré biker?

    Por cierto, un poquillo difícil de leer, pero merece la pena.

    Para hacer este comentario, mejor no hacerlo.

    Por cierto >Alberto>, me gusta tu avatar.

    1 saludo!
  3. Miki

    Miki Miembro activo

    16 Jun 2004
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Sant Houston
    Fué muy bueno en su dia y lo sigue siendo hoy! Gracias Alberto.

  4. vito

    vito FMX Addict

    4 Jul 2005
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Molina de Aragón, Guadalajara
    **** no se kien se va a leer esto...
  5. epo-mtb

    epo-mtb Personajillo Del Bosque

    9 Sep 2005
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    yo por lo menos no jejeje

  6. Homer

    Homer Hipoglucido

    17 Sep 2005
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    yo tmp xDD
  7. granmotte

    granmotte Miembro Reconocido

    15 Jun 2005
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Bufff! Largo pero guay!! En bastantes puntos me he sentido identificado...
  8. toponoto

    toponoto The Clown

    5 Jul 2004
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Desde el jergón, os maldigo.
    Qué daño! :fumao Me he mareao solo de imaginarme la sangre
  9. Alvar

    Alvar Simply Biker

    24 May 2005
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Sant Cugat
    Yo si, la verdad es que ha balido la pena;)
  10. JorgeAsturies

    JorgeAsturies Miembro activo

    25 Mar 2005
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    pues que quereis que os diga, yo tambien fui capaz! esta muy guapo, jeje como joden los inches del big ring en my calf
  11. Herr Doktor

    Herr Doktor Andevassss!!!!!

    28 Jul 2005
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    entavia no lo se...
    * Have grit buried so deeply in a wound someone else must scrub it out for you while you scream *

    Ufffff... that hurts too!!!

    (llevar arena metida tan adentro en una herida que otro tenga que limpiartela mientras tu chillas... bueno un ibero-biker maldeciria y juraria hasta en arameo, no? )


    Thanks dude! ;)
  12. Antonio®

    Antonio® Linkage Design

    17 Jun 2004
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Yo tb soy de los que guarda textos en el disco duro asi que ahí va uno de mis favoritos...

    "I am the wind. I am the rain."

    We live in a dualistic society. Us humans and everything else in the universe. Separate. Unequal.

    One afternoon a few weeks ago as I dressed for my long commute home, the rain began to fall. The wind began to blow. Our office manager said, "I'll give you a ride home." I told her no thanks, I wanted to ride. As I headed out the door my boss said "let me take you up the mountain in my car." No, I said, I really want to ride. I want to experience the natural world first hand, and face to face. I want to be a part of it.

    As I unlocked my Ute, the rain fell harder and turned to sleet. The wind from the north blew even harder. As I began, I was miserable. I was really cold. As I reached the edge of town I had to choose between the paved service road and the trails and gravel roads though the wheat stubble and ranch land with a view of Mt. Ellis to the south. The service road would have been much faster, but without making a concious decision, I hit the trails and gravel road.

    After a few miles somthing quite spiritual happened. I was warm. I was dry. The sound of the rain pounding on my rain jacket sounded like tribal drumming honoring the wind and rain gods. I just listened, and tried to rid my brain of all subjective preconciousness. And for a brief few seconds, I was in a new and different place. I was part of the universe. I did not feel the wind or rain. I was the wind. I was the rain.

    Then I looked at the cows, and I was me again. Separate. Unequal.
  13. Herr Doktor

    Herr Doktor Andevassss!!!!!

    28 Jul 2005
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    entavia no lo se...
    "I told HER no thanks"

    Yo me lo hubiera pensado dos veces... la jefA llevandome a casa... hummmm...parando en la cima de la montanya... eso me hace ir al primer post:

    "Stop for sex during a ride "

    yo le hubiera dicho que me esperase alli... :D
  14. JC_stuff

    JC_stuff Miembro Reconocido

    14 Jul 2005
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    poco ingles que se como que no me lo leo jeje
  15. Dual Fighter

    Dual Fighter chuck berry

    11 Abr 2005
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    en el mundo de yupi
    yo creo que sii...
  16. J.V

    J.V Miembro

    21 Jul 2004
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Sant Andreu de la Barca (BCN)
    No tengo ni papa de ingles, seguramente el post sea muy bueno, pero ya que lo poneis en otro idioma, que menos que hagais un pequeño resumen de lo que dice para poder enterarnos, porque que yo sepa este foro es en español, no?......Ya ha habido algun que otro problema con el idioma cuando alguien a escrito en catalan,, eso estuvo muy mal visto y se critico....¿que pasa en catalan ,gallego,o euskera,¡no¡, pero en ingles si?¿es mas guay?¿esta mejor visto?.. ORGANIZACION¡¡¡¡¡¡y un poquito de porfavor
  17. Antonio®

    Antonio® Linkage Design

    17 Jun 2004
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Ya, pero ponerse a traducir es muy duro y muchas veces se pierde el sentido de las frases, para textos guapos en Español es altamente recomendable pasarse por el Post de los relatos de &Re. :wink:

    Un saludo.
  18. Arctos

    Arctos Miembro

    30 Sep 2004
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    En mi meca del mtb: La Noguera
    Estoy de acuerdo con J.V., pero de todas maneras los dos textos son geniales. Si alguien tiene alguno más podriamos hacer un post con ellos.

    Salu2 y perdón por lo contradictorio de mi post.
  19. gonzo

    gonzo Miembro Reconocido

    2 Jul 2004
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    2 sisters city
    *****, me he emocionado y todo
  20. msxtr

    msxtr LedMan

    17 Jun 2004
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    A todas luces, perdido en Lleida
    Buffffff, mi ingles no da para tanto...


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