¿ Qué significa "Rep Power" ?

Tema en 'Problemas y sugerencias en ForoMTB.com' iniciado por axlsan, 13 Sep 2005.

  1. Descen

    Descen Miembro Reconocido

    3 Ene 2005
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    amm,ok todo entendido,pos cuando podais aceis el manual y lo volveis a poner y yasta,saludos y se agradece el trabajo ke aceis....
  2. Antonio®

    Antonio® Linkage Design

    17 Jun 2004
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Metiendome en el Google he encontrado varias cosas sobre las puntuaciones...

    +1 for ever 1000 posts
    +1 for ever 100 rep points you have
    +1 for each year you're here.

    Y tb he encontrado esto...

    You'll notice when someone posts, a SCALE icon in the upper righthand corner of there post, will also be there.--->>

    Clicking on this, will open a new box (you may need to enable pop ups on this site for it to work). There you will have 2 options.

    One to say you approve of the posters comments, one to say you disapprove.

    APPROVAL doesn't mean that you actually AGREE with them per say, but you feel they have contributed a valid point to the subject .vs just being a total DIPSHIT and HI-JACKING the post or topic.

    Members with the least amount of posts, but the highest # of approvals will get the top spots in rank in our REP department.

    So its possible to see someone with not so many post rank HIGHER then someone with lots of posts, simply because this person knows how to make some fucking sense when they speak.

    You will NEED to give others REP as well as your intended "TARGET" in order to give them REP again, you will get the message "YOU MUST SPREAD SOME MORE REP...etc" This is what that means.

    These ranks are calculated by MEMBERS themselves, and NOT the WPYO Mod/Admin team. If anything, members themselves, are the TRUE moderators of WPYO. Premium paying members having the most PUSH...

    The higher you rank, the more REP POINTS you yourself can spread when you give someone else REP, as well as how much you can take away when disaproving of a post. The bottom of the barral posters can be found HERE. WPYO members can SLAM THEM anyway they like, if they are in the RED.

    Too much RED, will probably get you banned or tossed into the IDIOT BOX. This depends on the PREMIUM MEMBERS and there thoughts.

    The "IDIOT BOX" merely means under your name will be the heading "I AM AN IDIOT" and will also disable ones ability to START a thread, or use the SHOUTBOX, and you will LOSE all your rep power as well. But you will still be able to respond to posts.As well as still be able to use LIVE CHAT.

    We simply cater to the Premiums, and help the regulars out if they are having troubles posting.

    Once you are proclaimed "IDIOT" members can no longer rank you, so WPYO Mods, will monitor you from then on to see if you have improved any.

    What the MODS will be looking for, is not so much your OPINION, but how well you present that opinion to others. If you improve, we will release you from the "IDIOT" status and let you resume normal abilitys.

    This REP RANK as it were, doesn't really mean a whole hell of a lot, but it does distinguish fellow WPYO posters who know how to debate from the ones who are just here to be Trolls, and FORUM WHORES.

    If you have posted alot of posts allready, and have probably made some sense, yet STILL don't rank very high. Then you are probably a FORUM WHORE, and should instead GET A REAL LIFE...NO, REALLY, SERIOUSLY, Your kids probably miss you, you are addicted to the internet, you will get fat and die because of it, go exercise.....or visit www.whopissedyouoff.com . The fruitpies there CENSOR opinions, and will actually MODERATE posts. ENJOY !!

    CRYBABYS, who also have nothing to do but cry about being offended by someone else higher ranking's comments, will usually not asend in rank either.

    WPYO, is UNMODERATED, to a certain degree. MODERATORS, are not here to tell ANYBODY what to think or how to express themselves.

    But we ARE here to make sure your fellow posters are not bothered by IDIOTS. If anything, we are here to harass Noobs to see if they can hack the intense debate, then stray them away from serious topics before finally showing them the door if they cry too much or become total retards in there posts.

    This system of RANK, ATTITUDE, and HONOR AMONGST PRICKS, ensures MEMBERS will get to debate with some of the BEST pricks on the internet with there own opinions, and there own attitude.

    It allows TRUE WPYO members to be able to flame ANYTHING and EVERYONE they want, as long as they can back up there flame.

    MUCH diversity here as well. There is a HUGE assortment of pricks to take on. And if done right, these same PRICKS, will also SIDE WITH YOU in OTHER DEBATES. Even though you have argued with them in another post.

    THIS is what we like to see. Members who can fight hard, yet still find a common ground somewhere in the forums on another subject. It keeps our members as a tightly knit group of pricks to each other, and some of the BEST damn debaters you will ever come across.

    You will find, the more sense you make, the less a MOD will even bother with you, even if every once in a while, you say or do something to someone else to totally piss them off. We will brush it off as FUNNY. And just let it slide. Simply because you have already proven yourself worthy of debate time and time again by fellow posters, and need no explanation for your asshole attitude.

    In other words, the KING of debate on WPYO, is the person with the best flames, best comebacks, best one liners, and all around BEST DEBATE REBUTAL.

    Statistically, only 1 in 10 members who signs onto WPYO has what it takes, to take on the huge assortment of assholes this site offers. You will either be a regular here, whos one of the best debaters anywhere on the net, or just another statistic like so many others before you. And simply leave.

    And that is fine with us. You want predjudice and hatred, you will find it here, as well as allys to your ideals. Never give up because it seems you are outnumbered or out debated, you will still be welcome here in the end as long as you can make a good arguement.

    You are here to fight with words of conviction, not words of ignorance !!!

    Truth always wins out in the end.

    This system of RANK, will be in place, FOR NOW, until Bob (WPYO) finishes the rest of the apps and modules for the site, that will allow members to have control over others according to RANK, ATTITUDE, and STROKE, without Moderator intervention.

    The winner of this title,as well as all participants gain NOTHING in real life, except this VERY REAL complimentary coupon from WPYO and Pizza Hut™.
  3. The Psycho

    The Psycho Baneado

    21 Ago 2004
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Me parece que da igual, ya lo han quitado :S
  4. Descen

    Descen Miembro Reconocido

    3 Ene 2005
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    el admin va a poner uno en castellano cuando lo aga...
  5. Antonio®

    Antonio® Linkage Design

    17 Jun 2004
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Ya veo que lo han quitado, pero despues de leer el texto de antes yo le veo bastante utilidad, sobre todo si la gente se lo toma en serio y no empieza a desvariar como con el tema de los rangos en el antiguo formato...

    Un saludo.
  6. Ender

    Ender ¿Tiene gambas?

    24 Jun 2004
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Norte de Madrid
    vaya, lo han quitado, pues a mi me parecia una buena idea
  7. axlsan

    axlsan Miembro

    17 Oct 2004
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Terres de l'Ebre
    Si no he entendido mal se volverá a poner juntamente con un manual explicando cómo funciona lo de las valoraciones.
  8. Bernat

    Bernat Enduro Rider

    17 Sep 2004
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    En un sendero o en una trialera
    Eso he entendido yo también
  9. Administrador

    Administrador Administrador ForoMTB Administrador ForoMTB

    8 Sep 2001
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Estoy traduciendolo, asi que cuando lo tenga completo lo activare otra vez.
  10. Ender

    Ender ¿Tiene gambas?

    24 Jun 2004
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Norte de Madrid
  11. axlsan

    axlsan Miembro

    17 Oct 2004
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Terres de l'Ebre
    En mi modesta opinión creo que habría que dar por zanjado de momento este asunto. El Administrador ya ha dicho que está trabajando en ello y cuando lo tenga listo lo notificará.

    Aprovecho para agradecer a los que han colaborado para informarnos del "enigma" de las valoraciones.
  12. Administrador

    Administrador Administrador ForoMTB Administrador ForoMTB

    8 Sep 2001
    Me Gusta recibidos:
  13. The Psycho

    The Psycho Baneado

    21 Ago 2004
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Mu bien mu bien, un dia de estos te daré un premio :mrgreen:

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