Si esta en garantía, como decian unos post atras te tocara mandarla a Francia que es donde hay distribuidor y SAT ( Los de Racing Shox eran los que llevaban el sat de marzocchi en España pero ahora sólo se dedican a leftys en exclusiva. Siempre te quedara mandarla a algún especialista como DRS, que es a quien le mando mis horquillas y amortiguadores cuando es algo que no puedo solucionar yo, es un gran profesional.
Yo tengo y creo q todos los demás también , en mi caso no ha ido a mas , apareció en cuanto le" hize el rodaje " y así se quedo no t puedo ayudarle
La horquilla no está en garantia, y viendo los precios que se gastan, no la repararé. Vendí la bici después de unos meses en que casi no la usé y el comprador me llamó para comentarme el tema. Como no quiero vender nada si el comprador no está a gusto, se la recojo esta tarde. Cuando la pueda probar ya veré si es que la holgura fué a mas y no me di cuenta o que pasó. No estoy seguro de que sea algo muy grave.
La mía tiene más de dos años y no a ido más también dependerá del uso q le des y de tu peso , yo uso medio-light y peso "normal"
Hola compañeros, soy el feliz poseedor de una Marzocchi 350 CR que aunque muy rígida y tragona ante grandes impactos encuentro poco sensible. No sé cómo explicarlo, digamos que tiene bastante fricción, sé que es un mal endémico porque tengo un amigo con la R al que también le pasa, el caso es, ¿alguien le ha puesto solución de alguna manera? ¿Retenes de baja fricción cuando le toque mantenimiento, la abrís para lubricar, vienen secas? Gracias por adelantado.
Si quieres que valla fina hay que darle mucho mantenimiento. Al llevar reten y guardapolvos por separado hay que engrasar muy frecuentemente. La mía en un año que tiene he cambiado unas tres veces aceite, tanto hidraulico como el de engrase, también le puse los retenes skf y se nota algo mejor. Los retenes si no los tienes de cambiar dejalos hasta agotar su vida util, pero engrasalos frecuentemente y notaras que mejora.
Entiendo, puedo engrasar los retenes con la grasa RSP roja (o como se llame, no tengo el bote delante) para suspensiones? ¿Qué grasa das tú? Gracias por contestar.
Buenas Yo, Soy Distribuidor de skf, Lamentablemente son los mas caros, pero bueno si alguien quiere ponerse en contacto conmigo vemos que se puede hacer, y si los podemos dejar a buen precio, yo en mi marzochi 350 r los llevo y las barras se me decoloraron mas en los primeros meses hasta que los monte que despues de un año, Tambien tengo aceites de marca motorex, son de baja friccion y funcionan de maravilla y grasa manitu microlube, una de las mejores. Para cualquier duda os dejo mi telefono Gracias un saludo 663369002 SERGiO
Buenas, estoy buscando la horquilla en 27'5 más mantequilla posible y por lo poco que he podido averiguar, la 350 ncr ti es lo que estoy buscando. Parece que no hay casi nadie en todo internet que la tenga para leer que tal van, aunque algo he podido encontrar en pinkbike que os pongo a continuación, para los interesados en esta horquilla. No obstante, me gustaría saber como se comporta comparada con una DVO diamond o una fox 36 rc2 de las nuevas (que es la horquilla que me vendrá en la capra), a ver si algún usuario de aquí se anima a escribir sobre ella. Copiar y pegar el texto en el traductor de google si vais mal con el inglés (tochacos a continuación): "Had the opportunity to compare, although not extensively, a Pike, a Marzocchi 350 NCR Ti and a Bos Deville. Bought a bike equipped with an 160 mm Solo Air Pike, which I swapped after few days for a MZ 350 NCR Ti. In my opinion the two are miles apart in terms of function and looks. I think the Pike is the most overrated fork the market has seen in recent years. It sure is a relatively cheap and light fork, but for the price you get a thing that does not feel elastic. Compared to a MZ 350 Ti, it seems elastomer-sprung vs coil, for those who've lived back in the the elastomer days. To me, a fork has to offer frictionless elastic feel, but with Pike or any other air fork I've tested, you get a pronounced feel of "plasticity". Small bump sensitivity is also so-so, and it dives like crazy with the sag set at usual 25-30%. Also, I can't get why they market it as a 160 mm fork, as I've measured 155 mm of exposed stanchions when the bike rests - no idea where you could get the other 5 mm, not to mention the fact that you wouldn't want to hit the bushings with the crown in full compression.. Also, the Pike feels very cheap - manufacturing and design wise. To me the Pike is the result of the industry trying to push out products who would appeal to the consumer (light), even if they do sacrifice a lot of performance for that reason. Just for the argument sake, when they try to make a light car, they don't by any means offer it with an engine and gearbox without proper lubrication. ..An athlete wouldn't drain away half or all of it's blood just to loose weight.. But current forks, trying to be light, have ditched the proper open bath design (apart from BOS) and the coil, because at 200 ml oil and the spring weight mean a lot for some and for the marketing wars going on. But you lose a massive part of the advantage of having a suspension fork (plushness, elasticity and linear feel), so it kind of defeats the purpose of having a fork in the first place. I've ridden for more than 10 years an open bath coil sprung fork, and even if it hasn't been serviced at all (!), not oil nor bushings or any other part, it still feels more smooth than most of the new forks made today that I've tried. No scratch or wear signs on the sliders, no oil leak for ten years without servicing speaks for super good internal self lubrication, smooth operation and set-and-forget design. I'd take any day a 300 g penalty for that. Moving on to BOS, even if open bath, they also feel dull compared to MZ 350Ti or any other coil fork I've ridden, not sure why they say It's better than a coil fork. It just isn't. Build quality is good, much better than the Pike. But when it comes to operation, again it can't stand next to the MZ 350 Ti. Small bump feels better than Pike, but not as good as MZ, which is the absolute reference in this area. Also, going down a set of 5 or 6 steps resulted in the use of only 6 cm of the 17 available, so not sure in which everyday scenario you would end up using all de 17 - for example pumping pretty hard with all the bodyweight on the handlebars (while doing a moderate jump on tarmac) results in the use of only 12-ish cm. the BOS feels overdampened, even when you set all the controls to open - rebound an compression. Also, you don't get the smooth action along the travel which for the MZ 350 Ti is there. If y where to rate all three forks, the Pike would score a modest 6,5 out of 10, the bos 8 and the MZ a 9. Why not 10 for the MZ? because it doesn't offer the good old times eta-cartridge allowing the user to lower the fork for uphill (has platform pedal though, but I'd love a low front-end for steep climbs). With the availability of today's light enduro setups, why not own bike that can easily pedal uphill 20 km of trail and eat up with ease and sensation sturdiness and control a fast or hard descend afterwards? Going deeper in the season, I'll try to compare the forks on the trails I usually visit. " "I also have an NCR ti,the short answer is it is an amazingly good fork - IF you can get a decent price on one. My fork History from about 2009 onwards to give a perspective is coil Lyrik, 36 Van, Reba, Air Lyrik, Sid RL, Pike, NCR ti - plus a few DH forks. I haven't ridden the new Lyrik yet. First off the worst part of the marzocchi is lack of setup instructions and no workshop manuals (voids warranty apparently), apparently you need to send it to a service center, dirty pricks, just release some documents! I also had a commonly known issue with excessive stanchion wear (10hrs), lowers and uppers replaced under warranty, no questions asked, so service in that regard was good - as it should have been. The replacement parts made the fork noticeably smoother, I'm guessing the bushing were a dud. But because of this I don't think I'd buy one without full warranty... just in case. I'll compare to the Pike as I spent a year on one. I Liked the Pike, its a good fork, but I didn't think it was amazing for me, I"m 100+kg and the pike was a noddle, hence the new Lyrik solves that issue for us bigger riders. With setting up the pike I could either get it really nice for slow speed riding or really nice for DH orientated riding, never both at once - tried every thing besides a custom tune. I hated not having HSC, but thats the same issue in the NCR ti - but the marz seems to have a better HSC circuit - I dont feel I need to change it. The NCR Ti, much more rigid chassis than the Pike, feels a lot like the older Lyriks, noticed this within the first 5 minutes off road, The quality of the NCR Ti is also slightly better, it's just a slightly higher quality fork, not that the Pike wasn't excellent. Small bump compliance, the NCR Ti is in another realm, it's simply vastly superior, my coil boxxer does not feel as good. It also uses an air preload to get sag perfect, it works well, but it did take quite a bit of time getting the perfect pressure - I ignored the recommendation at ended up at exactly 8psi - 2 more or less and the forks noticeably worse; as in too less and the fork blows through its travel on big hits, or too much and the fork becomes a little rough in the chatter - about the same as the Pike, so not terrible, but not marz awesomeness. Big hits, it copes with these excellently, once the preload air pressure is where it needs to be, I keep much the same settings for both DH orientated riding or XC riding, I changes the LSC depending on how smooth or technical the trails are. Damping is excellent, I find this a hard thing to quantify, it feels more consistent than the Pike's charger, The QR axle is fine, maybe not quite as nice as maxle, but functionally they are almost identical. The coil leg has 200ml of fluid, in an oil bath system, same leg as air prelaod - I found that I could change the oil level to effect the linear/ramp up of the fork, meaning I could get the fork exactly how I wanted - no different from the Pikes token system, I ended yp removing 40ml to make the fork slightly more linear. I now use full travel when needed, without realizing I have bottomed out, but otherwise the fork stays higher in the travel. Fork weight was just under 2200 on my scales. I admit this is a bit of a fanboy review, but it is the best fork I have ever used, coil is simply better than air! I have just brought a 380 to replace the boxxer, based of my experiences with the NCR Ti."
Agradecería mucho si alguien ha encontrado una tienda donde tengan la 350 ncr TI barata, ya que su pvp normal es un pastón. Por otro lado, solo he visto que venden la version 2015 y nadie la 2016, que tiene 170 mm y me interesa más para la capra... Anteriormente tuve una 55 rc3 v2 ti, y la encontré en oferta a menos de 500€ en RCZ, pero parece que la 350 no baja de los 1000...
Al final vendí la bici sin la horquilla. Si le interesa a alguien que me pase un privado. Yo ahora tengo muy poco tiempo y no me voy a liar a arreglarla entre otras cosas porque me he montado una 26" tirada de precio para no quedarme sin bici, pero últimamente no monto ni una vez al mes. Enviat des del meu ALE-L21 usant Tapatalk
Aquí la tienes por 705, estan de liquidación Para conseguir el modelo 2016 en España creo que lo vas a tener complicado mientras sigamos sin distribuidor ni SAT...
MUchas gracias, qué eficiencia! Un par de dudas: ¿cómo sabes que está en liquidación? es decir, que no es oferta sino que liquidan stock? Lo digo porque no me convenía comprar hasta dentro de un par de meses que esté de nuevo establecido en europa (ahora vivo en las américas). Pero si me dices igual la pillo para no quedarme sin. Y la otra cosa, supongo que no haya SAT en españa no me afecta para encontrar la version 2016 de 170 mm por tiendas de internet como la que has puesto... el caso es que no he visto ninguna web que venda la versión de 170.
Suelo comprar bastante ahí, no hace mucho al abrir la página uno de los anuncios que meten para promocionar era el de la liquidación de marzocchi, lleva ya un tiempo. Lo del SAT en España poco te va a afectar para la compra, pero lo del distribuidor si.