Let's talk about biking in English

Tema en 'Foreign Bikers' iniciado por chainring, 7 Ene 2011.

  1. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    :scratch Mmmm, I see. There is no room for the mud to properly evacuate when you go hard core on the bike, and thinking of this I dare to come out with a solution, a handmade protective shell or whatever you want to name it. Let´s see, 1 mm is almost nothing to think of anything that does the trick, but I can think of that transparent kitchen paper that we use to wrap certain food… In theory and as a home remedy when you go on the mud with your bike, you can yourself protect the stays against that sandpaper effect by wrapping it up with that kinda transparent and adhesive paper. 1mm is not a problem to put it on. Do U think this could solve the problem at least in a provisional way or when you go riding hard core on your bike?. It could prevent your bike from the “sandpaper effect” you´re talking about…


    Mud is hard stuff, but notice the photo´s Extra-ancho words on it or maybe 3 layers are capable of protecting one bike per ride, and then you replace whenever you go on muddy, dusty or "stony" terrain.
    As I write this I am convincing myself this could be a good method to protect whatever part on the bike that is in need of some kind of protection , especially the chain nearby zone, but probably mud goes beyond its resistance as a proper shell…

    Another tip from the home-remedy man! :)

    Última edición: 8 Feb 2012
  2. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
  3. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
  4. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Yeah you can give that vinil or whatever stuff shell a try...

    MMM very nice videos there. Thank U David. I refuse to directly understand Guy Martin if it is difficult for you to completely understand him!!! ;-)
    So many accents in the UK...
  5. kona nut

    kona nut Novato

    3 Jul 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Hellooooooooooooooooo sorry been long time , had bad few months grans husband died and my son been in hospital:cry::cry: He only just got out on sunday from staying in there a few nights.:cry::cry:

    How is everyone??
  6. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Ey Kona!.
    Nice to hear from you again!, I hope - and I am confident- that your son will be ok for good.I know telling from what you say, that he is in very good hands both in the hospitals there in England and your hands, his entire family hands.
    SO sorry to also hear that bad news on your gands husband. You Know, it´s life and sometimes we can do nothing when it comes to fight against aging or suffering some diseases.

    Anyway, show must go on. Cheer up, everything will turn ok someday.

    Spain is actually a cold place these days. Sunny but very low temperatures, strong winds over here, so our bicycles are resting for a while… not too long, of course!. You have missed just two chapters, not too much, I just bought a cheap road bike and love it. Next year I will buy my third inexpensive bike to get into Mtbiking as well.BTW, Real Madrid is in the lead in La Liga, not bad if we consider we are 7 points ahead from the second one.

    Cheer up, and as always, you know we are around the corner whatever you could need from all of us.
  7. kona nut

    kona nut Novato

    3 Jul 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Thanks for kind words, he has had pneumonia twice now and starts of a heart problem he has, very tough to see your child ill, he is only 8 aswell:cry::cry:

    Any pic's of your new bike??

    Cold here aswell very cold, heating on the whole time at home.

    Madrid are doing well, spurs doing well aswell 3rd in league at moment.

    You seen any old kona stuff over there since last chat??
  8. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Yeah, but think of it the other way around. At 8 your son is naturally well prepared to cope and win almost any disease including those you said. I am really confident in children to overcome such that sad problems.

    No Kona stuff so far, I´m not looking that much the internet cause I´m in another city for some months and I’m sporadically using the net.

    My roadie is a Berg Fuego 8.5. This one:

    Berg Fuego 8.5.PNG Berg Fuego 8.5 características.PNG
  9. kona nut

    kona nut Novato

    3 Jul 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Yeah he has been so scared bless him, one of the days he had 5-7 doctors around him , he had oxygen mask on and he was so scared.

    That bike is really nice looking and i am not keen on road bikes at all.:lool

    You seen any Tioga Disk Drive over there??
  10. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Thank U Kona, I remembered you are not keen on roadies, so your opinion is worth twice a road bike professional. She is a real Knock out to my eyes, even a greater look live!. I really love it… Besides it´s cheap and I got it in a December offer from Sport Zone. I´m so in love with it that I almost forgot about other modalities of biking, so I´m afraid I´m not of great help to say anything about everlasting Tioga Disk Drive on the market… but I´ll keep an eye on them.

    You know, at first when I got my hybrid I was avid to receive and search for any information I could get on hybrids. Then, when I got my roadie the same occurred but with road bikes. I will be suffering from MTB stuff when I get my MTB… that will be next year!. Then comes next step, the OLD SCHOOL passion! I´m getting into this step by step and enjoying every moment in the meantime!.
  11. kona nut

    kona nut Novato

    3 Jul 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    It is a lovely looking road bike.

    Which old school mtb's you like???
  12. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Well, I don´t have a preference for any specific Brand at the moment, but I like any new idea today that becomes a great idea in the future. I mean, Kona was internationally known as one of the best when we talk about quality back in those years when you needed a MTB to be really tough. That kind of policy in a brand is what I like the most to consider in the future what Old school brand or modality I´d like to be keen on. For instance, as far as I know, Jamis was the first to worldwide introduce the concept of Hybrid. So, I´d like to have one of those all-steel made pioneers bikes from Jamis. An innovative Idea, no matter if it´s consider old or new school, is what keeps me moving towards a bike!

    Última edición: 8 Feb 2012
  13. kona nut

    kona nut Novato

    3 Jul 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Very wise words you speak off, can't wait to see a pic of all your bikes together:smile::smile::smile::smile:

    You got to go with the bike you are liking, some lovely old school mtb's out there, love them:):)
  14. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
    Hello kona nut and sorry about the bad times. And like you say, it must be awful seeing your son sick like that. Well, hope he gets better soon. And sorry that someone died, didn't really catch who, but sorry.

    Tioga disc drive. Just googled it and looks pretty cool. Have never seen one before.

    By the way, I took off my rear tire and put it on a wheel truing stand I have, then loosened all the spokes, then tightened all of them on one side more than the others, and now there's a little more clearance between the tire and the stays. Why didn't I do that a long time ago?!

    Before long interaptor will be a complete cyclists: hybrid, road, mtb,...
  15. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    I can´t believe that not being a professional on spokes you tighten or loosen then and the wheel still balanced!!! . How did you do it??? Did you have a plan to do it? I mean, maybe tighten or loosen every other spoke to keep the balance or just tighten or loosen them all at a same torque… Anyway it sounds awesome to me that you kept the wheel balanced. I probably get a “S” if I try to do so!!!

    Post-edition: Oh, I see... I didn´t know what a wheel TRUING stand meant!. Now I Know, to measure slight deviations of the wheel's rim from ideal ("true") alignment . Anyway, It sounds good to have one of those tools. Great job!
    As you see, I´m far from being a complete cyclist!
    Última edición: 8 Feb 2012
  16. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
    Yeah, I imagine this is demanding on your English because with you I use my normal vocabulary so you have to try and understand everything, but you're doing a great job! And I have to remind myself that you haven't been into bikes as long as me because sometimes you really seem to know a lot.

    By the way, here's a photo of the chain stay. You can see that because of the friction of the tire (or tire and mud), it's worn to the point there's actually a little hole. Any idea if it's possible to repair or strengthen the stay so it won't break?

    Ver el archivo adjunto 2772429
  17. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
    And here's my tire before and after truing it.




  18. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Oh! It´s worse than I thought, so I don´t recommend to “hard core” ride your bike with a hole like that. It´s obvious that riding in the mud has a friction and local stress effect on the frame at that very point on the stay and if friction continues I have no doubt it will break. You have to do something to avoid –if possible- a frame fracture. I think it is time for that frame to ride in a “not so rude” mode if you want it to live. In the meantime this weekend, let me check by searching the net if I´m able to find some structural remedy for aluminum frames and for that hole not to go on growing. I hope it´s not a particular stressed zone for you to securely go on using your bike but of course not in such demanding conditions… otherwise –I agree with that professional you mentioned- it will break. Not riding so so so so hard can save your bike´s life because It seems not to be a particular stressed area as shown in the photo but you never know. Anyway, the "truing" operation was really good to give some room between the affected parts. Well done!

    Notice there is not a concentrate area where the mud frictions on the stay. The area around the hole is also affected by scratches.Riding in the mud will create a really uncontrolled area of fracture. This will accelerate the process of breaking if you persist on riding in the mud. It is time to take care of the incipient hole... The first step has been well taken with the wheel truing stand, seeing the before and the after I think it´s a great relief for the stay which could may cope with muddy terrain if it´d have had that room from the begining... After some time of hard ride, Didn´t you notice what was going on there?

    One more thing. Is your rear wheel centred? What about the right side of the stay? Has it the same problem?. Does the distance from the right and left side of the stay to the wheel remain the same?

    Pd.- Thank U for using “normal” language with me. I notice, welcome and appreciate every new English word to my ears!.
    Última edición: 10 Feb 2012
  19. Mackem

    Mackem Miembro

    7 Ene 2006
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Leioa, Vizcaya
  20. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
    Interesting frame Mackem. Definitely worth considering.

    Interaptor, the wheel only rubbed on one side. It's centered now, though it's not in the same place is was in relation to the hub, I moved it away from the left stays. I'm going for a ride tomorrow so I'll see how things go. By the way, I found about a shop near Cuatro Camimos that does welding on aluminum bikes (as well as tons of other things), so I'm going by there soon and ask them what they think.

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