Let's talk about biking in English

Tema en 'Foreign Bikers' iniciado por chainring, 7 Ene 2011.

  1. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
    Personally I think clipless pedals are good for most people most of the time, but wouldn't go so far as to say one of the greatest improvements ever, in fact I'd say they're a bit over-rated. I actually have platforms pedals on my mountain bikes and am as happy as a clam at high tide. But of course I have a worrying leaning towards the dark side. If I got into straight cross country riding (and having more time and money I would), I'd definitely have them.

    La Jarosa wasn't bad at all. There was hardly any snow, wasn't freezing cold, no rain, a bit windy but hey, you can't have everything.
  2. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
    I have the Shimano PD-M520 which looks like it goes for 45 euros on the net, tho I'm sure internet aces can find 'em cheaper. In any case, you can have mine for 20 if you want.

  3. Mackem

    Mackem Miembro

    7 Ene 2006
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Leioa, Vizcaya
    Hello, thanks for the replies and PM about Madrid. I'll reply properly tomorrow.

    As for pedals, I bought these about a year ago as a temporary measure because I was thinking about going back to using TIME pedals, but they've been so good and never let me down. So damn cheap too.

  4. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    You´re welcome McKem.

    Thank you Chain. Mine are the cheaper M520. Are yours the M520 or the M540 model?. Didn´t catch it. You wrote M520 but you posted the M540´s pic ;-).

    Anyway, my M520 are enough for me and whatever it is I know it does well the trick no matter if they are intended for MTB. They are heavier than specific-designed pedals for road bikes, but I don´t care of putting off 100 grms.

    With almost the same price, the only difference between the M520 and McKecm´s M530 seems to be the contact area on the M530 that maybe does some difference on a road bike. This one:

    M`s.JPG m530.JPG

    As I´ve already ridden on the M520 I know they´re enough for me even on the paved side.

    So Chain, M520 or M540? If it doesn´t rain on Friday we can go for a road bike ride and pedal on them!!!

  5. Mackem

    Mackem Miembro

    7 Ene 2006
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Leioa, Vizcaya
    I use the M520 on my road bike and the 530 on my mountain bike (they are too much for a road bike) - gives some extra support on the foot and protect the pedals from rocks.
  6. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
    Oops, sorry about the mistake. I have the M520, but it looks like you already have that model. Don't worry, you probably don't want to buy the same model again. In any case, the pedals on my road bike almost have 20,000 km on them. I suppose I could keep these in case they go out.
  7. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Well, I´m having second thoughts on the purchase of another clipless pedals set, Whatever the model!!!, the story as follows:

    It turns out today I went for a morning "clipless pedaled 2nd" ride on my hybrid... and I had my 1st.fright when a bus in front of me stopped due to a red light... I was so unaware of my clipless pedal system that I almost had a fall, that stupid fall that everybody warned you about when on clipless. Well, I was half way leaned to the left as I wanted to stop and then -only then man! :neutral:- I realised I was firmly attached, :?:?:? when the logic process is just the opposite, just the other way around: 1st. you get unattached then you lean to stop.

    UPPPPPS! Don´t know how but I was lucky enough (Beginner´s luck i guess) and could save the situation. Milliseconds to disaster bro! (or milliseconds to disaster, BRA!) :-? Don´t know how, but just when I thought I had to prepare myself for a fall I managed to get my foot out of the damn pedal!. WOW!
    After a fright, quick, white faced release, I put my foot on ground! It was really a narrow scape!!!... Not the fright of my life but it shook me up to have the 2nd thougts I´m talking about.

    After this incident I´m thinking of sawpping the clipless pedals from my hybrid to my road bike and keeping the platform or the toe straps pedals on the hybrie. The reason is simple: I tend to use my hybrid into the traffic -city biking-, the road bike out of the urban jungle, mainly on secure long bike lines to the Sierra.
    So, The only bike I need to be efficient as hell (My God, Chain is propelled with nuclear power :) :) :) ) is my roadie, neither my hybrid nor my MTB, so I think I will feel more confident in town or in the mountain just with platform/toe straps... When I need agility and speed to take control of evasive actions... On the contrary Road biking, -at least for me and the bike lines I tend to ride through-, is not about those evasive actions but above all, powerful pedaling and that´s when (i think) I truly need the extra
    superefficiency power of clipless pedals...

    Maybe I need a SPD mechanism on one side and a platform on the other combined in one pedal so that I can ride on normal shoes for say, 6 months and then on cleats... The world of cycling is so strategical oriented!!!. Anyway I think I´m gonna go clipless on the roadie, not the hybrid.

    Does this train of thoughts sound pretty right to you all?

    Anyway, Many people -as MacKem does- use M520s on road bikes. It seems to be the right option to use the same SPD shoes no matter MTB or road biking, so i´d recommend you to keep your pedals just in case -mamma mia, 20.000 kmts is a long long way man!- for your roadie.

    Pd.- Why the hell "clipless" when actually it is a "clip-in" action!!!??? ;-)

    See U on Friday!!!
    Última edición: 19 Dic 2012
  8. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
    Sounds like you had a good scare, but you do get used to them. Actually your logic sounds pretty good: a good starting point for clipless in on a road bike because of the strong focus on pedaling, and that's when clipless shine. As I said earlier, they're great for straight cross country riding as well, but when you get into situations where you might need to quickly put your foot on the ground, you run into their drawbacks, though many people swear by them for absolutely everything.

    By the way, here's a pic from last Sunday at La Jarosa, going down the GR10 trail. It was soooooo much fun!

  9. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    That´s a -capital letters- SPECTACULAR PHOTO of you in action David!!!. Beautiful background, lovely technique, great machine, all in one!. One of the top inspirational enduro pics you´ve ever posted... That GR10 trail section seems to be not only so much fun for enduro bikers but so technical as well. Yes! That´s why it´s so fun to you!. :eek:la2

    I´m curious about your brakes and the way you brake on the photo, just one finger ahead. Going down that trail requires a good knowledge of breaking well with four fingers on each grip. As you know I´ve mechanical disc brakes (yes, it´s an entry level bike, no need more ;-) )and found too hard to brake on just one finger, so I´m wondering if "one finger braking" in a bike depends mainly on your technique and the type of breaks you got. In other words Could you brake with one finger on V / mechanical disc brakes or a hydraulic system is mandatory? :pirat

    Última edición: 19 Dic 2012
  10. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
    Thanks, it is an awesome pic, isn't it?

    One of the big advantages of hydraulic disc brakes is just what you said, one finger braking. So since you have all the braking power you need, the other fingers can be holding on to the handlebar grips, which translates to more control. This type of brake is definitely one of the greatest improvements on mountain bikes.

    It looks like the forecast is good for Friday on our road bikes. Tomorrow I'll text Juan Carlos and see if he's up for it.
  11. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    MMM... pretty unpredictable weather I´d say. Not sure if it will be foggy/raining or shining on Friday. But that´s part of a cyclist´s adventure!!!. As always, we´ll keep on checking the weather out until the very last moment!!!. I hope JC can come with us. It will be lovely if Brian could come as well, that´s to say he is fully recovered from his last fall and has the time to. Anyway, let our shy skinner bikes take control on Friday!!!
    Última edición: 19 Dic 2012
  12. jorgt

    jorgt Corre Conejo correee!!

    28 Feb 2007
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    hi you roadies out there!!! always hurried to say the veriest word, i'm so upset.
  13. aleferdez

    aleferdez THE BOSS

    17 Ago 2006
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Wow...I was looking for a post like this for a long time. I will try to follow it...in my limited free time.
  14. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
    The what word? Hey, I'll bet you'd take to road biking like a duck to water. I figure XC is like road biking but on dirt; emphasis on endurance and pedaling, but you definitely need more skills in the dirt.

    I'm really glad you found this. Feel free to write any time you like. The more input, the more ideas, the better!

    BTW, I see you're from Galicia. Can I ask what area? I'm asking because every summer we go to the Ferrol area.
  15. jorgt

    jorgt Corre Conejo correee!!

    28 Feb 2007
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    me a roadie? haw haw!! wouldn't be so bad but i'm so in love with dirt that i can't even fake a comeback... do yo know i had a hybrid -i called abortion- mtb tarmac adapted?? Yep it was a couple years ago while working out my 10mil del soplao race. It was customised with double ring crankset...48-32t , flat handlebar with ends, an iron fork and a Tiagra cassete 9 cogs, 25-11.... and slicks of course! I rode fairly 4500 kms on it but i finished so sick of it that i neglected using it.

    Eventually i fitted it with cx
    style tyres, that's it, narrow -1.35- and knobbed and this way it meant much more fun, i enjoyed it but hey, horses for courses and now i just ride my Orbea Alma. she's smooth, sweet and fast, pure speed!!
    Última edición: 21 Dic 2012
  16. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
    You've come a long way, baby :)
  17. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    My Goodness! How can a hybrid be called abortion?. Did you firstly run out of whisky?... After getting upset and sayin´ twice the f word... did you then name your bike? :). No other explanation is admitted since this is a bike enthusiast forum and we´re all supposed to defend everything on two wheels.
    I will not take legal action against you to recover member´s credibility on this forum because you did something that I can´t overlook: You participated in the "Los 10Mil del Soplao" Race!. WOW. As I´m seeing what´s all about (http://www.diezmildelsoplao.com/) , I realise that race´s cool bro, so i´m not goin´to sue you. This is a time of forgiveness, a time of gratitude... ;-).

    Just kidding!. But, yeah, IT IS CHRISTMAS!!!. Today I rode along with Chain -Thank you for your your patience all this time, David- and JC, had a blast on my road bike and that´s all for this year lads!. I will be off for a week or so, and just wanna tell you: MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!.

    SEE U ALL IN 2013!!!.
  18. aleferdez

    aleferdez THE BOSS

    17 Ago 2006
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Of course!! I am from Lugo but now I had to move my workplace to eastern Europe. I know a litte this are but I can say you nice things, if you have change I recomend to visit "Fragas del Eume"...it is a amazing forest.
  19. jorgt

    jorgt Corre Conejo correee!!

    28 Feb 2007
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    welcome aleferdez!! pour yourself some coffee there's still plenty of room for u too! Please tell us something about you

    i'm editing... sweet today, not the best grip, slippy and muddy, nevertheless 36,5 kms and 1120m of climbing shows a tough one. I love Alcala, these are the trails!!

    merry xmas for you ride and live cheeeeers!!
    Última edición: 22 Dic 2012
  20. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
    1120m of climbing, in Alcala! I didn't realize there were so many hills there. Well, I guess in general this is a pretty hilly area.

    BTW, here's a new downhill in El Pardo we went down, looks like it's been dubbed Arbol Seco (because of a dry tree just to the left on the pic).

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