We'll wait and see what Mr Sunshine is doing on Sunday morning, and how muddy it is, and if I get a car, because what I want to do is SHRED!!!! Hey, turns out you can take shreding lessons, check out the video for shred tip # 1. [video=youtube;rBnarkUPxuo]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBnarkUPxuo[/video] Actually I've been thinking of improving my technique for drops, just seems they're everywhere, tho maybe not as gnarly as the ones they're doing here.
Hey, I feel like I´m already doing things by the book. My manual says my bike is not intended to be ridden with disreagard to personal safety so I urge myself to look for a stairs sign everytime I think of a drop off. Yeah, your right that I should take some classes on how to avoid geological contact with rocks when there is no such sign around. I don´t like getting mandibular disharmony!!! (= that is, how my jaw could feel when it and my handle bar occupy same place and time!)... ;-) ;-)
Yeah, you gotta watch out for that mandibular disharmony, you might actually want to consider a full-face helmet. I have one! a Casco Viper with removable chin guard. Have you noticed more changes to the forum? The road biking section is no longer hidden away, it's come out of the closet! it's at the bottom of the first page! BTW, I don't work on Saturday so we can consider a ride on this day, especially if it looks like it's not going to rain.
I could do with it but I can´t believe this weather, unfortunately it looks like it´s going to rain day in day out in the next 10 days. We´ll keep an eye on it and if conditions look good we can head out sometime on Saturday. No more changes detected. That road biking section is not shy anymore. Everything returns to normal but the "like" and the "drama" button ;-)
Remember this vid? http://www.youtube.com/watch?annota...&feature=iv&src_vid=Ee54EP-nho4&v=7ZmJtYaUTa0 Well, there really was a making off shot as well... ;-) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ee54EP-nho4 Cheers.
Oh yeah, very memorable video, leaves me breathless. BTW, in general have you noticed the use of mini-helicopters (multicopters) in many videos? For example, in Road Bike Party you see its shadow starting at 46 seconds. And here's a video of someone flying one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujgdTAw3QT8
Yes, the use of steadicams and drone aircrafts is common among those who wanna get cool shots. The aerial footage with those minihelicopters is quite impressive sometimes. I´ve notice this technique in many vids and it really adds excitement to the whole film. Cool. It´s raining again. Will it stop for tomorrow´s ride? :sad:
haha! guess you all know this video, down from the yores the early days of mountainbiking here in Spain, amazing stunts by a couple of famous bikers, one of them still on the ride, Juanma Montero... it's nice since you see how much video editing has changed our lives I'm moving into canooing, rafting, whatever with this floods. [video=youtube;-uyA6vL3VJ0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uyA6vL3VJ0[/video]
What a coincidence: I was just watching Al Filo de lo Imposible on TV, some people kayaking down a river. Yes, maybe that's a better hobby nowadays with so much rain. And yep, those guys are heroes, they do amazing things on bikes with no suspension whatsoever, really pretty amazing. I get the impression they come from trials riding, they do wheelies and rear wheel lifts, ride up and down stairs and huge stones, you name it. So Juanma still hasn't hung up his helmet. Those guys are really an inspiration, love to bump into Juanma on the trails. So no Sierra for me this weekend, just went for an exercise ride around my neighborhood, rode up and down hills, even so it's great just to pedal. But still, hope to go for lots of rides this Easter, weather permitting of course, the forecast is for rain every day tho, Ugh!
juanma montero writes for 'bike' , the monthly spaniard issue, sort of trail stuntman. Love the way you introduce me to new vocabulary, you're so sweet baby boy i'll be mile-munching tomorrow, try to get back in good shape through a 100 kms beauty
Yeah, that´s an excellent idea for many of the anonymous viewers daily reading this thread to improve their command of English. Indeed, many expressions involving bikes can be used as regular expressions on a daily basis, so daily that eventualy you can´t tell which comes first, the egg or the chicken!. Take this as an example of what I´m talking about: To Chain´s mind taking a nosedive doesn´t sound too good but probably the scene he visualizes is his front wheel going down quickly when on a jump... whereas an economist would see a Company having trouble generating money...
aye yir' rite up ther', lad !! plummeting was also what my English teacher told was a tidy word n aw.... I regret to inform you that i'm a total fraud, just 93 kms, what the hell is that?? i'm losing my mojo !
Ey man, you´re a jack of all trades. Not only that you have the proper freakin´ word. You had a wicked time with your Alma in the Sierras I presume. Where exactly in the Sierras? Breathtaking forest there with no snow at all. C´mon Jorge, Your bluffing... 7 kilometers is nothing in a 93 kmts ride through the mountain. Congrats on being in such good shape!.
Huh? looks like the ball's in my court now. Jorge! Sounds like you're steering clear of Alcalá mud and riding in our beautiful Sierras. Good idea! And I'm jealous, haven't been there for over a week. 93 km in the Sierras! Sounds to me like you've got plenty of mojo, and got covered in plenty of mud, maybe even got cold and wet, which is par for the course these days. BTW, lovely pic! Inter, there are thousands of sports metaphors and idioms, you've just got to take the bull by the horns and learn them. You'll get them, no sweat. Don't throw in the towel Looks like weather-wise we've been dealt a bad hand this Easter. When is our next ride?
David in Easterland: Would you tell me, please, which day I ought to go for a ride? That depends a good deal on where you want to get to – Said the Cat. I don’t much care where – Said David. Then it doesn’t matter which day you go – said the Cat. When it rains it pours man. In view of the above, I may wish to consider putting scheduled long rides off till the weather gets better. :-(
Have you ever heard about universal jurisdiction?. In Spain it´s also known as "Principio de Justicia Universal" or just "Justicia Universal" and allows criminal judges in Spain to claim jurisdiction on whoever person no matter his or her nationality, I mean national courts are entitled to prosecute anywhere in the world. You may think this is nothing to do with bikes and it would be a legal exaggeration to say it does, but have a quick look at the ABC´s lastest News: http://abcnews.go.com/International...nal-case-spain/story?id=18818239#.UVHMcRcyLLo Will he have to return to Spain? :ups
Yeah chainring, I feel you. I am a student studying in Madrid for the semester and I am pleased with this weather. I just want to ride my damn bike without the rain! I thought it was supposed to be balmy and sunny here haha
Hello Wade! Welcome to this part of the forum. So you're a student here and you've got your bike. Cool! What kind of stuff are you into? Mountain bikes or more bike lane stuff. I do it all, have got five bikes, tho one isn't working. Today wasn't a bad day for a ride. In fact, went with Inter. In the pic from left to right standing are me and Carlos, kneeling are Inter and Brian.