Let's talk about biking in English

Tema en 'Foreign Bikers' iniciado por chainring, 7 Ene 2011.

  1. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Well, it´s a "high" area... It´s called 4 Towers area... Each one of those buildings is more than 250 meters high...

    Thank U. Yeah, it´s ideal for biking around the city. This has wheels of 28" in size, 60mm shock absorbers to ride either paved or pathways...

  2. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
    Hey interaptor, I know you're interested in chain care so I was wondering if you've seen this new thread someone's opened up. I suppose one of these days I should try Squirt. It's expensive but apparently it's worth it.


    I've been busy these days with new classes, but I think we can get together on a Tuesday or Wednesday at 7:30 pm. If SZ closes at 9:00 we could swing by there and check it out.

  3. kona nut

    kona nut Novato

    3 Jul 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Do you two meet up for rides?? many places to ride off road near you??
  4. kona nut

    kona nut Novato

    3 Jul 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Is there a wanted thread as i am trying to collect kona catalogues from back in the day. I am sad i know.
  5. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Never mind Chainring, whenever you can. Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon will be ok. Temperatures are also high enough to consider that hour as the most appropriate. Next week I´ll let you know which day is better for me to go. It´s a pleasant afternoon ride to Alcobendas.

    I´m testing the injection method with some fluids, don´t Know if we can inject the Squirt products the same way… They are supposed to be more consistent than oil and therefore less liquid to properly fill the syringe with, but I don´t really know if Squirt will work out.

    But, I must confess that I couldn´t help (I´m too curious) using sewing machine oil as a lubricant in order to see what happens and taking into consideration that I mostly go ride on the road, not the dirt... My very first test ride with some inexpensive sewing machine lube I´ve to say has been smooth, incredibly smooth. Used the same injection method… Now I´m testing how fast the chain goes black. 35 Kilometers riding on bike-lanes for now and still looks clean.

    I guess off road biking will blacken the chain before any Teflon based oil, but I´m testing what´s the difference in terms of usability, durability, economy and facility of use in road conditions… and I confess by now I can´t tell a lot of a difference between TF2 Oil and the humble oil that our grandfathers used a long ago… To be continued.

    Hi Kona! Honestly if I had one only chance to go off road ride in Spain I definitely wouldn’t go for Madrid. There are some nice places around here, but mostly in La Sierra (The mountains northern Madrid). Of course you can get in the dirt fairly soon once in the city ( Madrid has long urban forest nearby such as Casa de Campo or El Pardo) but the most exciting and beautiful places to go off road are in La Sierra… You Know, mountains from 1.000 to 2.500 meters in high… but as I say, they are about 50 kilometers from Madrid city.

    I would go for something like our friend from Pais Vasco said or some programmed biking tour (just like that downhill holyday in Mijas) . There are lots of mountains all over Spain. But I definitely would go someplace in the north of our country… Galicia, Asturias, Santander, País Vasco, Navarra, Aragón or Cataluña…

    I´m afraid I´m not that keen on any Brand, but internet is a must you have to use to find incredible things related to Kona bikes… Use your English to find catalogues from USA, Canada, Australia, etc... If you need some help in finding them from Spain, South America, etc.. just tell me. English and Spanish combined are a mighty power you can use in forums for doing any worldwide search no matter what it is.

    In the meantime, if you like computer science, you´ll enjoy not just one but two passions!.

    If you need some Spanish words to request catalogues via forum, don´t hesitate to tell me.

    Have a nice weekend and enjoy your beautiful Kona!
  6. kona nut

    kona nut Novato

    3 Jul 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Cool thanks once again, i have found the catalogues on the internet, but i am sad and would like the actual catalogues from back then.

    You think anyone in spain may have some???A few nice guys over here have given me some for free, but still got lots to collect.

    Sounds like north Spain the place to go then.
  7. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
    Hey interaptor, that's a really interesting line of investigation you have going. I've sometimes wondered if low tech is the way to go with chain oil instead of spending a pretty penny on a little bottle of high-penetrating low-viscosity teflon-based rocket oil :) Keep me posted.

    Hey kona nut. Yours is nothing less than passion. I imagine to find old catalogues you'd have to go to specialized book shops (or kona book shops, ha ha ha). You could probably make valuable contributions to a Kona museum
    Meanwhile, don't forget to get out there and pedal. That's what I'm going to do right now on this long hot Spanish evening.

  8. kona nut

    kona nut Novato

    3 Jul 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    No shops or Kona themselves seem to have any, so if you guys see any please let me know.

    Your lucky over there, its raining hard here so can't get out on bike .
  9. kona nut

    kona nut Novato

    3 Jul 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Anyone know where best to put a wanted advert up??
  10. chainring

    chainring Miembro Reconocido

    24 Oct 2010
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madrid, Sanchi
    Hi! I've been a little out of touch, have been riding every day and then watching movies on TV, so have been neglecting my cyber buddies :mrgreen: (not completely sure what this emoticon is supposed to mean but I'll put it here)

    kona nut, if you want to see if there are any catalogues in Spanish you could try the sub-forum For sale: Accessories and Miscellaneous.


    I've heard that there are people in rainy places that have bikes and everything ready for wet weather, like a bike with good mudguards. At least you're getting out and pedaling. I'm sure that's what I would do.

    Interaptor, I was talking to a friend of mine and he applies oil to chains using an eye-dropper. He thinks it works better than a syringe. You just drop the oil right where you want it. So another idea to consider.
  11. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Yeah! Kona, as Chainring says Weekends are to ride rest and re-energize the body and soul!

    On Saturday I slightly broke my personal distance record. 122 Kmts. on my hybrid. I know it´s not that much, but considering I´m just 6 months into this, my happiness is well justified. It took me about 5 hours 30 mins to get to Becerril de la Sierra Hills and back home. I got so tired that I feel tired just thinking about my last 15 kilometers when a female road biker overtook me on the 607 bike-lane and to save my honor I had to push to my limits to overtake her... with some head wind… Oh my God how hard it can be when the girl is skinny but have strong legs!!!... I got exhausted but passed her… Then I had to hide it taking a detour, waiting for her to go and whistling back home. 

    These little battles will never take place If you stay at home, Kona!. Heavy rain is an excuse in certain parts of Spain, not in Devon where you are supposed to get used to it and your brain just ignore it. Did you finally decided to go out for a ride?. The worse thing for me is to clean the bike up after such that rainy-mudded ridings.

    Concerning the oil exclusively road (not rain, not mud nor dust) test, I have some conclusions after been riding “inexpensive sewing machine injected oil” for 160 Kmts on the road. It´s funny how people can jump to word-of-mouth conclusions without ever trying things. We can talk about them tomorrow afternoon if we meet up to go to SZ. Will pm you on this.

    Ah! Kona is telling me that I will love off road once I do it. Well, I´m in the process of deciding what I like the most. Off road or Road Biking!. My hybrid is capable of a little of each, so that I can make up my mind… But may be that´s my only style,,, A hybrid style. You know, I like go ride on long bike-lanes, roads, pathways and the city itself… I´m not a speedy demon on any of them but I use an only bike to go door to door trips no matter the surface I ride on. Maybe I´m just a Hybrid Man… 

    Have you ever try road biking in Devon, Kona? (I don´t know why on earth I always write Dover when I want to say Devon. It happens every time I talk about Devon. Even Denver USA comes firstly to my mind… I have to correct it every f… time I try to write your beautiful city name!. Maybe I have read too much about the white cliffs of Dover or something… Curiously I have no problem to say Devonshire, but I´m afraid that’s an odd word, isn´t it?)

  12. kona nut

    kona nut Novato

    3 Jul 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Wow your proper hardcore road riders over there, that is a lot of ridding you did there.

    Me I did get out on the white sex one but only around the roads near me as it was to bad to go off road as rain was that heavy.

    Road bikes i just can't get to liking them, not sure why just don't like the look of them.
  13. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Ufff... Last week I was tempted to buy my first ever road bike model...

    It was what appeared to be (I guess it´s yet sold) a real second hand bargain from Ebay Madrid.

    A Cervélo 2010 S2 model. This one:


    C´mon, don´t tell me it´s not a real beauty...

    I like both road and off-road bikes,... well... even Hybrids! :)
  14. kona nut

    kona nut Novato

    3 Jul 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    You got me there mate that does look very nice that wow. How much it going for??

    Are they zipp wheels??
  15. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Yeah, zipp 404 wheels as far as I remember.

    But Lately there are too many ripoffs selling this stuff on the internet (we call them something like "nigerian ripoff", nigerian scam, nigerians were the first people to do it, but them rumanians added to the party) to trust everything you see... The price was terribly suspicious: 550€, so I decided not to go for it.

    Última edición: 11 Jul 2011
  16. kona nut

    kona nut Novato

    3 Jul 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Wow that is a good buy that.

    Yeah same thing over here weston payment system aswell, nightmare.

    You see much older bikes in madrid??
  17. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    I´d say in general Britons are most likely to collect older bikes, but you can´t never say so for a 100% certaintity.
    Here in Madrid most of the people are crazy about new things, and the same with bikes, but there are some room for older bikes from national brands, those that make you remember your childhood... East of Spain has a well reputated tradition in biking (Valencia, Alicante and Castellon), its a flat zone over there and people have been using their bikes for decades as a proper transportation device... Madrid is not considered a friendly bike city as other cities in Spain -so the market for 2nd hand old bikes is not as big as it could be, tho you can always find good deals- , but things are changing a lot... There is a project to build 600 kmts. bike-lanes all over the city and bicycles were main issue in our last Major reelection, at least on tv electoral debates!

    Good news about not a big demand is that prices are lower, you Know, supply offer law again!. No great -the smallest- demand, the lower the price.

    Have you tried Kiwis forums? far from Europe they use to have exotic things...

    Take a look just in case:

    Última edición: 11 Jul 2011
  18. kona nut

    kona nut Novato

    3 Jul 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Thanks mate just joined that one to see if any old school mtb's over there.

    Let me know if you see any stuff over there in spain.
  19. Interaptor

    Interaptor Miembro Reconocido

    8 Ene 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Ops! Just to give you an idea how prices could be around here. This Kona below has been recently sold In Seville. The guy by the nickname of “Trompetas del infierno” (Trumpets from Hell) says he has just bought a Kona Fire Mountain ´95 for just 50€ from a site well Known in Spain called Segundamano. He says he has no room for one more bike!.

    He is talking about doing a proper maintenance, looking for spare parts and thinking about a change of bike´s colour. Cantilever brakes doesn´t seem to work, wheels and saddle rod are about to be changed, steering box need to be readjusted. According to what he says the SIS Rear diverter Deore seems to be smooth and amazingly accurate… The bike weights around 13 kg. (no idea of pounds conversion, sorry)

    Don´t Know if over there second hand prices are this range...


    Pd.- I take for granted you Know this USA forum:

    Última edición: 11 Jul 2011
  20. kona nut

    kona nut Novato

    3 Jul 2011
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Is the site he bought it from??

    Does it say anything about the hei hei in the pic aswell??

    Hadn't heard of the usa forum, oops

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